Akademik Bilişim Konferansını İnternet ve Bilişimin dünya ve ülkemizde yarattığı etki açısından değerlendirmek gerekir. Bizler, İnterneti Sanayi Devrimi boyutlarında bir gelişme olarak görüyoruz. Sanayi Devrimi, Sanayi Toplumunu getirdi, İnternet de Bilgi Toplumunu getirecek. İnsanlık İnternetin tetiklediği adına Bilgi Toplumu ya da Bilişim Toplumu dediğimiz, bu yeni toplum biçimine geçişin sancılarını ve çalkantılarını yaşamakta. Sektörler yeniden yapılanmakta, meslekler yeniden şekillenmekte, ekonomiler ve toplumsal yapı yeniden düzenlenmektedir. Sosyal ağlar milyonları örgütlemekte, rejimleri sarsmakta, yer yer devirmeye vesile olmaktadır. Sosyal ağlar halkla ilişkiler, tanıtım, pazarlama, iletişim ve örgütlemeyi yeniden tanımlamaktadır. İnternetin temsil ettiği değişim, bağımsız ve yaratıcı bireyleri öne çıkartmakta, hiyerarşik olmayan ve ağ yapılarını içeren toplumsal modelleri öne çıkartmakta; katılımı ve saydamlığı, demokrasiyi, gelişmenin önemli bir parçası ve etmeni olarak öne çıkartmaktadır. İnternetle somutlaşan bilgi ve iletişim alanındaki gelişmeler, üniversitelerin konumunu; teknoloji politikalarını, ar-ge, inovasyon, uzaktan eğitim, ömür boyu eğitim gibi kavramları yeniden tanımlamaya zorlamaktadır. Bu değişim, hayatın her boyutunu köklü olarak değiştirmeye başlamıştır. Ülkemizi bütün dünya ile birlikte bilim ve bilgi ağırlıklı bir rotaya girmeye, bir başka deyişle, Bilgi Toplumuna yönelmeye zorluyor. Bu değişimler devrimsel değişimlerdir. Nasıl sanayi devrimi sancılı olduysa, Bilgi Toplumuna dönüşüm de uzun ve sancılı olacaktır. Bizler bu konferans dizisini İnternetin tetiklediği bu değişime ve bu meydan okumaya Türk Üniversitelerinin cevabının arandığı ve oluşturulduğu bir platform olarak görüyoruz. Akademik Bilişim konferansları, üniversitelerde bilgi teknolojileri konusunda ilgili grupları bir araya getirerek, bilgi teknolojilerini tüm boyutlarıyla tartışmak, tecrübeleri paylaşmak, ve ortak politika oluşturmak amaçlarıyla ulusal boyutta 1999′dan beri yapılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bilimsel bildirilerin yanında, seminer, çalıştay ve paneller, teknoloji bildirileri, özel sektör deneyimleri ve konferans öncesi kurslar önemli yer tutmaktadır Akademik Bilişim Konferansı, büyük şehirlerin dışında, Anadolu Üniversitelerini dolaşmakta ve yapıldığı şehri bir Bilişim Fırtınası ile sarsmaya çalışmaktadır. Konferans üniversitelere yönelik gözüksede internet ve bilişimle ilgilenen herkese açık ve ücretsizdir. Öğretmenler, lise öğrencileri, ana babalar, iş dünyasına kapımız açıktır. Meslek odaları, ticaret ve sanayi odaları, barolar gibi STK'larımız AB etkinliklerinde daha fazla aramızda görmek istiyor, yazılı ve görsel medyayı AB ile oluşturulan Bilişim Fırtınasını güçlendirmeye davet ediyoruz. Biz, düzenleyiciler olarak, bu konferansı bildiri sunma ve yayınlamanın çok ötesinde bir bilgi ve deneyim paylaşımı, fikir kıvılcımlarının aktarıldığı, ortak sorunların tartışıldığı, ve çözüm arandığı bir ortam olmasını hedefliyoruz. Esas olan diğer bildirileri dinleme, tartışmaya katılmadadır; bildiri sunma buna vesile olduğu için önemlidir. Bir konferans aynı zamanda sosyal bir birlikteliktir; yeni dostlukların, ortaklıkların, projelerin ortaya çıktığı ortamlardır. Tüm katılımcıların 3 gün boyunca konferansta kalmasını, tartışmalara katılmasını, istiyoruz. Biz İnterneti çok önemsiyoruz. Bu konferansları da ülkemizde üniversiteler ve internetin gelişmesine katkı verecek bir platform, ortak akıl için bir ortam olarak tutmaya çalışıyoruz, çalışacağız, bu davet bizim!
Conference ChairYuksel Celik,Ufuk Çağlayan, Ethem Derman, Attila Özgit, Zeynel Cebeci, Necdet Yücel
The symposium aims to bring scientists, policy makers, experts, instructors, graduate students, civil society organizations and representatives together to share and discuss theoretical and practical knowledge in a scientific environment. The language of the symposium will be English.
Conference ChairDr. Yavuz SUN
The main goal of ISLAC/UHAKS is to bring researchers, scientists and experts in universities, institutions, companies, associations and societies to present their recent research and developments on light alloys and composite materials. This conference provides opportunities to all participants to exchange new ideas and to find global partners for future collaborations.
Conference ChairDr. Bilge DEMİR
International Science and Engineering Applications Symposium on Hazards 2019 is a global platform to discuss and learn about factors, causes and consequences of different types of hazards. Nowadays, various types of hazards occur frequently all over the world. Because of this scientific research on finding solutions to several problems related to hazards became prevalent. It is clear that the results of these studies are need to be shared on platforms like symposiums and journals. World-renowned speakers, scientists, researchers and engineers will give talks about the most recent techniques, developments and updates about hazards in International Science and Engineering Applications Symposium on Hazards. We invite researchers from around the world to discuss several aspects of hazards. The scope of the symposium is geohazards (earthquake, landslide, rockfall, volcanic, etc.), atmospheric hazards, hydrological hazards, chemical hazards, nuclear hazards, fire hazards, risk assessment of hazards, and information technology usage in hazards.
Conference ChairDr. İnan KESKİN
The aim of the congress is to bring together universities, industrial organizations, and public institutions from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in the fields of 3D printing(Additive Manufacturing) technologies and digital industry. Your prospective, valuable contributions on this field will be evaluated by the scientific committee and the ones approved to be presented will also be published in the conference abstract book. “All accepted papers will be published in supporting journals” 3D Printing(Additive Manufacturing) Technologies and Digital Industry encourages multidisciplinary engineering, medical, dental and practioners. Academics and professionals to identify the challenges and discuss solutions for 3D printing technologies and digital industry welcome scientific and practical contributions from different disciplines and fields.
Conference ChairDr. Kerim ÇETİNKAYA
Symposium Topics are Asphalt, Coke, Graphite, Oils and gases, Peat, Synthetic fuels (including Dimethyl ether (DME), Methanol etc), Biofuels, Tar sands, Bitumen, Coal,Natural gas, Oil shale, Petroleum, Tar and pitch, Woods and biomass, Hydrogen fuels,Hydrogen combustion,Hydrogen Combustion Technologies,Hydrogen Production,Pollutant Control, Emissions, Waste-derived fuels (WDF), Refuse-derived fuels (RDF) T
Conference ChairDr. Mustafa Bahattin ÇELİK, Dr. Mustafa YAŞAR, Dr. Bülent ÖZDALYAN
The purpose of İTOBİAD Congress is to bring together academicians, researchers in the field of human and social sciences. It enables to identify and articulate ground problems in this area, to offer solutions to them and to make future-oriented plans. Thus, those who are experts in their field are scientists; you shared your knowledge, ideas and experiences.
Conference ChairMustafa YİĞİTOĞLU
The Symposium provides the ideal opportunity to bring together academicians who work in this field, data scientists, data miners, data engineers and researchers who want to improve themselves. The main goal of this event is to provide an international scientific forum for the exchange of new ideas in data science fields. With the increase of global competition and the development of technology, the training of experts in this field gained importance with the studies carried out in the field of data science and engineering. Data discipline and engineering discipline have emerged to give meaning to data stacks, to analyze data stacks and to transform them into information. The implementation of data science and engineering methods enables administrators to make effective and quick decisions to increase operational efficiency as well as to keep the pulse of the society, employees and institutions.
Conference ChairDr. Filiz ERSÖZ
During the symposium, many topics such as scientific and technological developments, production, safety, standards, testing, fueling etc will be discussed; scientists, manufacturers, clients and service providers will be interactively sharing their experiences. Accepted and presented papers will be published in a proceeding book, and selected high quality papers will be published in JESTECH: "Engıneerıng Science And Technology An International Journal (Elsevier)".
Conference ChairDr. İsmail ESEN
The first of our international conference called BOR (Business & Organization Research), organized at Karabük University/Safranbolu and the second one was organized at Yasar University, Turkey with the total participation of 590 national and international scientists, and it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International Conference on “Business and Organization Research” in only virtual presentation. The theme of the conference is “Reflections of Digital Transformation from Theory to Practice”. We invite academics and scholars from all the relevant disciplines to submit their papers and ongoing research findings to this stimulating and exciting conference. Aim of our peer-reviewed conference is to bring together the world’s leading scholars and opinion leaders and to increase our understanding of emerging scientific issues and research methodologies relating to business management, public administration, finance, management and organization, organization sociology, social work, economic and social sciences. Please, engage freely in discussions, share your ideas and build relationships among the group of leading researchers. The presented papers in the conference will be published in an e-book as an abstract or full paper. The selected papers, after the examination of the Scientific Board and, will be published in the conference journals as full papers following on acceptance after the review process in the journals.
Conference ChairProf.Dr.Mahmut TEKİN
The topics of the workshop cover major Geoinformation Science including (but are not limited to): GIS, Geo-Informatics, Geographical Information Systems, 2D/3D GIS, 2D/3D City Modeling, 3D Generalization, 3D Geo visualization, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), Open Source GIS, Web GIS, Crowdsourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Disaster Management, Dynamic GIS, Decision Support Systems. Modern (3D/4D) Cadastre, GIS in Civil Engineering, Urban Planning, Architecture, Geology, Forestry, and Environment, etc. Multi-dimensional & Multi-scale Spatial Data Modeling, Spatial Data and Model Quality, Spatial Database, Data Infrastructure & Integration, Data Acquisition and Processing, Spatial Reasoning and Spatial Data Mining, Interoperability, Geostatistics, Computer Graphics and Cloud Computing For Spatial Data and Information Location Based Services, Outdoor and indoor positioning, wayfinding and navigation, Smartphone-based positioning, Smart environments and Ambient Spatial Intelligence, Location-based social networks, Geotagged big data, 3D and Augmented Reality, Transportation Applications, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Geomatics, GPS, GNSS, Engineering Surveying, Industrial Surveying, Deformation Surveys Remote Sensing, Pattern and Image Processing, Oceanography, Meteorology RS, RADAR, Hyperspectral RS, etc Photogrammetry, Terrestrial and Airborne Laser Scanning, Close-Range, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Sensor Calibration and Integration, Sensor Modelling, Texture Mapping, Mobile Mapping Internet of Things technologies, GeoInformation for Mobile, Wearable Tecnologies and Wireless Sensor Networks All submitted manuscripts will be subject to the blind peer review process. Accepted full papers will be published in the ISPRS Annals and short papers (extended abstracts) in the ISPRS Archives (Both are SCOPUS, ISI-CPCI, and DOAJ indexed). All will be presented as oral in the event, there will no poster session. The selective outstanding papers presented at the workshop, after further revision, will be considered for publication in JESTECH journal by ELSEVIER.
Conference Chairismail Rakip Karas
This succeeding symposium aimed at bringing together academics, researchers and engineers, Industry 4.0 manufacturers, exporters and importers, suppliers, technology producers and non-governmental organizations around the World to share and discuss their latest works and the new methodologies, and to follow new developments in Industry 4.0. The topics of ISIA 2017 covered are Artificial Intelligence, Business and Information Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data-Data Mining, Simulation, Material Science, Robotics, Automation, Social perspective of Industry 4.0, Computer Technologies and Advanced Technologies.
Conference ChairDr. Muharrem Düğenci
This proceeding includes the original papers submitted to ICAMT’17. It is accessed in free of charge. All scientific and linguistic responsibilities of the published articles belong to their authors.
Conference Chair
The main purpose of the congress is to create an academic platform within the framework of the concept of Applied Sciences. The congress is open to all issues that can be associated with applied sciences and is open to multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. This framework will include high-quality theoretical and practical papers. The languages of the congress will be English and Turkish.
Conference ChairDoç. Dr. Mehmet ŞAHİN
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Conference Chair
The First International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE14) has organized by Karabük University (TR) with the co-organizers of Wolverhampton University (GB), Wayne State University (USA), Erciyes University (TR), Gazi University (TR), Marmara University (TR), Celal Bayar University (TR), NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology (NFC-IET) (PK), and Zagreb University (HR). It has been considered to be a forum for the academicians, practitioners, and the experts to discuss technological implementations and approaches in the field of industrial design engineering. As science and technology intervene one another, the both are significant players from the economical growth and social prosperity point of views. Producing high valued designed products backed by scientific studies and advanced technologies need the industry representatives and academicians work together an intensive manner at the meetings such as congress, colloquium, symposium etc. where the original scientific studies and technological novelties are explained and the participants exchange information vice versa. The design is not only composed of art but also it should include engineering thinking. The solutions are made by taking engineering considerations into account. Therefore this symposium, as its name refers, is the first symposium, in its special format, gathers academicians, practitioners, company representatives in the field of industrial engineering design. As a platform where R&D studies are presented, shared, and discussed, The First Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering (ISIDE14) will be a successful event over 50 papers submitted. The papers from 5 countries are contributed. The papers cover a wide range of different divisions such as Machinery and Tooling, Machine Tools Design, Product Design Methodologies, Vehicle Design, Biomedical and Sport Equipment Design, Environmental System Design and others. The papers reflect the growing interest in industrial design engineering and its implementations in this common platform. We would like to express our sincere thanks to those people who spend great effort to make this event take place. We sent our special thanks to our Rector Prof. Dr. Burhanettin UYSAL and our vice rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim KADI, and Dean of Faculty of Technology, which hosts the ISIDE14, Prof. Dr. Mustafa YAŞAR for their invaluable support. We would also like to thank to members of Honour Committee, Scientific Committee, Organizing Committee, for their great effort to make the event successful. Last but not least, we would like to thank to academicians, practitioners, and the experts who were joined to ISIDE14 in order to share their knowledge. With the wishes to see you at the Second International Symposium on Industrial Design Engineering.
Conference Chair
The Congress is scheduled for 3 days in which first two days allocated for presentations and the third day planned for Picnic and Gala. The followed day after gala night; Istanbul program is planned. Istanbul special program was managed for 3 nights; İstanbul Islands, Bosphorus Tour, Taksim, İstiklal Street, Old İstanbul, Galata Tower, Old İstanbul, topkapı Palace, Hagia Sophia. Furthermore, the same Istanbul special program is planned to follow with the same pattern for 3 nights after the Conference. We aim to provide contribution international trade field by our International May Conferences, International October Conferences, Academic Journal , Economy Blog News and International Market Research. There will be special issues in InTraders International Trade Academic Journal from the studies take place in our conferences. InTraders conference is international and targets the participants from all over the world and shape the organization in this direction. 18 The congress aims to have papers from academicians and private sector managers. Presentation language is English, you may prepare your full text in Turkish or English. Conference main topics; international trade, business, economics and supply chain management. Presentation language is English, you may prepare your full text in Turkish or English. In addition, especially in the process of Congress formation, the Secretariat and the Student Team did unforgettable effort which is really hard to fade out. Thank you for your great work dear friends. Last but not the least, my little motivators Emre and Yunus ÇAPRAZ, you are great…. In upcoming May Conference, a beautiful congress which carries more than international congress criteria is waiting for all of you. Wish to meet you all in this new international conferences…
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Conference Chair