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105 results listed

2018 Verniküler mimaride yapı kabuğunun ısıl performansının artırılmasının enerji kazancına etkisi: Diyarbakır evi örneği

Diyarbakır houses that is formulated in accordance with local and regional climate conditions, is important within the context of sustainable architecture. The examination of these houses can be guide in terms of maintaining sustainable criteria. In this study, energy performance analysis of an example Diyarbakir house is made with the help of dynamic simulation program and the current situation has been determined. If it is in the following stage, the energy saving is determined if the building envelope components of Diyarbakir houses are changed by upgrading to desired building envelope properties in the Passive House Standard. As a result, it has been observed that there is considerable energy savings even when only building envelope components of Diyarbakir houses are replaced according to Passive House Standard. Yerel ve bölgesel iklim koşullarına uygun olarak biçimlenen verniküler mimari örneklerinden Diyarbakır evleri, sürdürülebilir mimarlık bağlamında önemlidir. Bu evlerin incelenmesi, yeni binaların sürdürülebilir ölçütleri sağlaması açısından yol gösterici niteliktedir. Bu bağlamda, çalışma kapsamında dinamik simülasyon/benzetim programı yardımı ile örnek bir Diyarbakır evinin enerji performans analizi yapılmış ve mevcut durum saptanmıştır. İzleyen aşamada ise Diyarbakır evinin kabuk bileşenleri Pasif Ev Standardında istenen kabuk özelliklerine yükseltilerek, Diyarbakır evlerinin sadece kabuk bileşenleri özellikleri değiştirildiğinde elde edilen enerji kazancı tespiti yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Diyarbakır evlerinin sadece kabuk bileşenleri değiştirildiğinde bile önemli ölçüde enerji tasarrufu sağlandığı gözlenmiştir.

International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Computer Engineering and Science

Gülçin Süt Merve Tuna Kayılı Nilay Özeler Kanan

136 117
Subject Area: Computer Science Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Comprehensive Review of Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability Aspects in Design of Biomass-Based Fuel and Energy Supply Chains

The number of papers published in the field of sustainable design and management of biomass based fuel/energy supply chains has risen considerably in recent years, in parallel with the academic and corporate interest in sustainable supply chains. The practical challenges related to economical, environmental and social sustainability considerations have to be overcome using proper criteria and methodologies to select the promising configuration options and assess the existing systems in terms of sustainability. Considering this fact, the aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of the papers in this field focusing on sustainability assessment as well as design and implementation of sustainable bioenergy/biofuel systems to reveal the body of knowledge in this field and highlight the future research directions to fulfil the gaps in current efforts International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Şebnem Yılmaz Balaman

102 114
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Novel MPPT Method for PV Arrays Based on Modified Bat Algorithm and Incremental Conductance Algorithm with Partial Shading Capability

Output characteristic curve of photovoltaic arrays has one global peak and one or more local peak under partially shaded conditions. The conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms such as Incremental Conductance (IC) may be trapped in the local maximum power point. So they may not find global maximum power point. However; soft computing methods such as Bat algorithm may find it. This paper proposes MPPT of photovoltaic system using modified BA and IC algorithm. The standard BA has been modified by adding a similar feature to tabu list of Tabu Search algorithm. In search process, firstly, modified BA is used to determine the area of global peak, then IC algorithm is replaced to track the maximum power point in the area of global peak. If the power varies greatly and rapidly, the search process starts again. Standard BA, IC algorithm and the proposed method are simulated under standard test condition and partially shaded conditions. Simulations show that the proposed method is successful even in difficult conditions such as partial shadowing. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Hüseyin DEMİREL M. Kadir KARAGÖZ Bilgehan ERKAL

119 107
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Novel Parallel-Plate Capacitor Design to Store High Energy

The demand for dielectric materials has increased rapidly since the energy storage systems have an important place in many areas such as medical, defense, military, telecommunication and aerospace applications. The interaction of the electromagnetic waves with matter provides valuable information about the stored energy by material. Therefore, in order to have knowledge about the characteristic structure of a material, it is important to know the dielectric properties of material which are dielectric constant and loss tangent. Hence, the capacitor as an example of energy applications, which owes its energy storage capability to the internal dielectric material, is designed by using Ansys Maxwell software program to indicate the dependence of the capacitance on the dielectric constant and different design. The relationship between energy storage capacity and different design is shown by using different structures which are parallel plate and multi layered models. Furthermore, a new model has been designed and analyzed to increase the performance of energy storage. It is aimed to increase the interaction between surface area of dielectric material and conductive pipes/wires with this operation. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Turgut Ozturk

118 118
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Numerical Study on Flow Control at Bumpy Airfoils

In this numerical study, flow control over NACA 0018 with bumpy surface at low Reynolds number was investigated. Solutions were performed at angle of attack 10° and Reynolds number of 60.000 and 80.000. Results demonstrated that at Reynolds number of 60.000 the bubble burst took place over the base airfoil whereas flow over the bumpy reattached the surface except a small laminar separation bubble. At Reynolds number of 80.000, a small laminar separation bubble formed over the base airfoil and this bubble got smaller over the bumpy airfoil. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

İlyas Karasu H. Demir Kemal Koca Mustafa Özden M.S. Genç Özkan Ramazan

123 194
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Numerical Study to Determine the Effect of a Ventilation System on Thermal Comfort in a Standard Room with Radiant Cooling System

It is very well known that radiant cooling systems provide better thermal comfort than conventional systems and they also minimize the energy consumption. Due to that reasons, radiant cooling systems have been getting more interest of scientists recently. In this study, the effect of a radiant cooling system (which was located on the walls of a standard room) and ventilation system on the thermal comfort was investigated numerically. For this purpose, these investigations were compared to each other according to the PMV-PPD parameters. As a result of the study, it is clearly obvious that ventilation with radiant cooling system provides better thermal comfort in terms of Indoor Air Quality. In respect to the CFD results; ceiling ventilation which is located next to the window creates thermal protection curtain. Thus the ventilation system blocks the heat transfer from the window in to the room. And hence, the ventilation system positively contributes to indoor air quality. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Onur Oruç İ.Teke Zafer Gemici E.Tütüncü

118 91
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 A Research on Energy Efficiency in the World and in Turkey

The largest share of energy resources used in the world is about 90% of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. However, the reserves of the subject fuels are limited and exhausted. In addition to the economic dimension of energy consumption, the negative effects on the environment are also known. The energy efficiency we have been hearing more and more over the past few years as the global consequences of global warming become apparent are not the use of energy and prosperity. Energy efficiency, in other words, more efficient heating, better quality lighting, using some techniques, materials, devices to produce more and more conscious, reducing energy consumption and doing the same work with less energy. In this study, as the amount of population and energy consumption increased, the energy efficiency situation of the world and Turkey was analysed and some evaluations were made for the future. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Hilmi Zenk

156 106
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Access to modern energy systems and calculation of energy development index of Turkey

The Energy Development Index (EDI) was developed by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as a measure of the progress of an economy in modern fuels and modern energy services. EDI provides an analytical basis for the creation of policies to measure energy poverty in a country. To calculate EDI , there are two indicators of access to modern energy systems for households; Access to electricity and clean cooking facilities etc. In this study, four indications were set out from two indicators in order to capture all dimensions of energy development. They are ; Annual electricity consumption per person (kWh), share of households using electricity for lighting (%), share of gaseous fuels used by households for cooking (%) and the share of households in total energy consumption (%). The values of each indicator were found and then normalized. Hence, the average of the four indicators were obtained and Turkey's EDI value was determined. as well. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Gülbahar Bilgiç

179 123
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Active Control of Electric Water Heater in Smart Grid

Electric Water Heater (EWH) is one of the most power consuming devices in a house and it is very convenient for demand response applications. However, demand response potential of EWH is not utilized by the users. In order to provide the greater participation of EWHs to demand response, they should be controlled automatically, not with human hand. Active control of the EWH in accordance with the price information from the network is recommended for this purpose. Active control (AC) is performed via Smart Meter (SM) and Active Control Units (ACU) in the house. While electricity prices are sent by the smart grid to ACU via SM, the users introduce their comfort temperature zone and demand response participation rate to the ACU. Updated temperature set point for water heating is determined by ACU using network information and the user preferences. When electricity price is high, the temperature set point is set to a lower value and when the electricity price is low, temperature set point is adjusted a higher value according to the user requests. In this study, active control of the temperature set point is carried out on physical model of EWH. Energy consumption quantity and cost are compared for the cases where AC is implemented and AC is not implemented. Active control of EWH provides decrease in energy consumption costs for the user and to reduce the peak loads in terms of grid, as well. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Ahmet Doğan Mustafa Alçı

120 136
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Akışkan Yataklı Kurutma Sisteminin Termodinamik Analizi

Bu çalışmada, güneş enerjisi destekli ve ısı pompalı akışkan yataklı bir kurutucu tasarlanmış, imal edilmiş ve deneysel olarak test edilmiştir. Kurutma sistemi; havalı güneş kolektörleri, parabolik oluklu güneş kolektörü ve ısı pompası sisteminden oluşmaktadır. Sistemde nane yaprakları kurutulmuştur. Sistemin kurutma performansının tespiti için nem içeriği (MC) ve nem oranı (MR) parametrelerinden yararlanılmıştır. Nane yaprakları 5.67 g su/g kuru madde başlangıç nem içeriğinden, 0.17 g su/g kuru madde nem içeriğine kadar on bir saatte kurutulmuşlardır. Sistem performansının değerlendirilebilmesi için enerji ve ekserji analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistemde havalı güneş kolektörlü çalışma modu için sistem verimi değerleri ortalama olarak %78.55 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Parabolik oluklu sistem için verim ise ortalama %22.69 olarak bulunmuştur. Isı pompası sisteminin COPts değeri ortalama olarak 5.21 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ekserji verimleri havalı güneş kolektörlü çalışma modu için %29.63 olurken, parabolik oluklu güneş kolektörlü çalışma modu için bu değer %14.63 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Isı pompalı çalışma modunda ise bu değer %25.81 olmuştur. Sistemin genel ekserji verimi ise %26.66 olarak hesaplanmıştır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

İlhan Ceylan Ali Etem Gürel

143 408
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 An Assessment of Turkey’s Fossil Energy Vision

Supply of the energy without corruption is critical for the countries. Especially, in the developing countries such as Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and Iran sustainable energy directly depend on the economy. Geopolitical and social problems hit the energisers and weigh down the countries lots of time. In this respect, governments should have one more alternatives to back up their energy policy. In this paper, energy sustainability and security vision of Turkey has been evaluated. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Selcuk Selimli

158 108
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Atık Bitkisel Yağların Alternatif Yakıt Olarak Dizel Motorlarda Kullanımı

Günümüz dünyasında değişen ve gelişen teknoloji araç sayısındaki hızlı artış petrol kökenli yakıtların sınırlılıkları ve çevreye vermiş olduğu zararlar düşünüldüğünde yenilebilir enerjiye hızlı bir dönüş olması düşünülmektedir. Biyodizeller petrol kökenli yakıtlarda karşılaştırıldığı zaman emisyon değerleri daha düşüktür yani çevreyi ve insan sağlığını daha az tehdit etmektedir. Biyodizel yakıtlar bitkisel ve hayvansal yağlardan elde edilir. Günümüzde biyodizel yakıtların yaygın olarak kullanılmamasının sebebi üretim maliyetinin yüksek olmasıdır. Bu aşamada atık yağlardan üretilen biyodizel büyük önem arz etmektedir. Çünkü atık bitkisel yağın biyodizel yakıtı olarak geri dönüşüm maliyeti çok düşüktür. Ayrıca atık yağlardan biyodizel üretmek iki türlü çevreye katkı sağlamaktadır. Birincisi emisyon değerlerinin dizel yakıtına göre daha düşük olması, ikincisi de atık yağın, çevreye direk atılarak toprağı ve suyu zehirlemesinin önlenmesidir. Biyodizel yakıtın diğer bir artı yönü ise dizel motorların yapısında kapsamlı bir değişikliğe gitmeden kullanılabilir olmasıdır. The rapid increase in the number of technological vehicles that are changing and evolving in today's world considering the limitations of petroleum-based fuels and the damages they have caused to the environment, it is considered that there is a rapid return to renewable energy. When compared to petroleum fuels, biodiesel is lower in emission values, which means less threat to the environment and human health. Biodiesel fuels are derived from vegetable and animal oils. Today, the fact that biodiesel fuels are not used extensively is a high cost of production. At this stage, biodiesel produced from waste oils is of great importance. Because the cost of production is very low. Producing biodiesel from waste oils also contributes to the environment in two ways. The first is that the emission values are lower than the diesel fuel, and the second is the prevention of soil and water poisoning by throwing waste oil directly into the environment. Another positive aspect of biodiesel fuel is that it can be used without extensive changes in the structure of diesel engines. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

M. Afşar M.Aydin M.B. Çelik

133 312
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Battery State of Charge Estimation Methods Comparing for Performance

Nowadays, fossil fuels that have risked extinct and increasing the cost of those fuels are increased using electric energy and researches on this issue. Devices such as Mobile phones, portable computers, electric cars, electric aircraft, etc. are provided electrical demand by batteries. Knowing the state of batteries during to continuous using is important for the not tardiness of work. Many studies on this subject are made. In this study, the filling rate of the battery modeled in MATLAB environment was estimated with Coulomb Counting Method and BP Neural Network methods. Performance comparison between methods was made International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Musa Matlı Ali Uysal

123 162
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Binalarda Enerji Verimliliği Mevzuatının Tükiye, Japonya ve Danimarka Özelinde Karşılaştırılması

Nowadays, the energy efficient design of building shells in new buildings and the improvement of building shells in existing buildings is one of the priority applications in order to provide energy efficiency in buildings.According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Efficiency Report 2017, politics have focused primarily on the issue of building shell instead of heating and cooling equipment. The same report states that energy efficiency has been improved and that more will still be possible. For this reason, it is necessary to review recent political documents and to compile applications and reports on energy efficiency of buildings, especially in the case of building envelope. In this study, it is aimed to compare the developments in HVAC technology in Turkey with Japan and Denmark that are the major countries being made effective progress in structure shell and HVAC technology according to OECD and IEA 2017 data. By this study, it is also targetedto collectbasic information for updating and/or restoring policies related to energy efficiency. Yeni binalarda yapı kabuğunun enerji verimli olarak tasarlanması, mevcut binalarda ise yapı kabuğunun iyileştirilmesi günümüzde binalarda enerji verimliliğinin sağlanması adına öncelikli uygulamalar arasında yer almaktadır.Uluslararası Enerji Ajansı (IEA) 2017 yılı Enerji Verimliliği Raporuna göre; politikalar ısıtma ve soğutma ekipmanlarından ziyade öncelikli olarak yapı kabuğu konusuna odaklanmıştır.Aynı raporda binalarda enerji verimliliği alanında gelişme yaşandığı ve daha fazlasının hala mümkün olacağı belirtilmektedir.Bu nedenle son politik dökümanların incelenmesi ve özellikle yapı kabuğu özelinde binalarda enerji verimliliğine dair yapılan uygulama ve raporların derlenmesi gerekmektedir.Bu çalışmada OECD ve IEA 2017 verilerinde HVAC teknolojisinde ve yapı kabuğunda etkin ilerleme gösteren başlıca ülkeler olan Japonya ve Danimarka ile Türkiye’deki gelişmelerin karşılaştırılması hedeflenmektedir.Çalışma ile binalarda enerji verimliliği ile ilgili politikaların güncellenmesi ve/veya yeniden oluşturulması için bir altlık bilginin toparlanması da amaçlanmaktadır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Nilay Özeler Kanan Merve Tuna Kayılı Gülçin Süt

141 111
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Binaya Entegre Fotovoltaik Isıtma ve Soğutma Sistemi

Bu çalışmada, bir binanın elektrik, soğutma ve ısıtma ihtiyaçlarına destek olabilecek bir sistem tasarlanmış ve prototipi üretilmiştir. Isıtma amacıyla binanın çatısını kaplayan fotovoltaik panellerin panel arkası sıcaklığı kullanılırken soğutma amacıyla ise yine binaya entegre edilen ve fotovoltaik panellerde üretilen elektrik enerjisinin bir kısmını kullanan absorpsiyonlu soğutma sistemi kullanılmıştır. Panellerden elde edilen elektrik enerjisinin ısıtma ve soğutma faaliyetindeki kullanımdan artakalan kısmı ise akümülatörde depo edilmiştir. Yapılan deneyler neticesinde sistemin soğutma esnasındaki termal enerji verimi %37 olarak hesaplanırken, ısıtma esnasındaki termal enerji verimi %46 olarak hesaplanmıştır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Sadık Zuhur İlhan Ceylan

121 137
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Bir Entegre Tekstil Üretim İşletmesinde Enerji Verimliği Çalışması

Bu çalışmada, bir entegre tekstil üretim işletmesinde enerji verimliliğinin artırılması için bazı önemli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda basınçlı hava sistemleri, sıcak hatlar ve yüzeyler, aydınlatma sistemleri, ring iplik makineleri, ram makineleri, buhar ve kızgın yağ kazanları incelenmiştir. Üretim aşamasında ring iplik makinelerinde kullanılan masuraların daha düşük kütleli masuralar ile değiştirilmesi analiz edilmiştir. Ram makinelerinde kızgın yağ ile ısıtma yerine doğalgaz brülörlü ısıtma sistemi incelenmiş ve yapılabilecek enerji tasarruf potansiyeli hesaplanmıştır. Basınçlı hava sistemlerinde kompresörlerin çalışma sistemi ve basınç değerleri analiz edilmiş ve enerji tasarruf potansiyelleri hesaplanmıştır. Sıcak hatların ve yüzeylerin kontrolü yapılarak, izolasyon eksikliklerinin giderilmesi ve ayrıyeten, işletmedeki mevcut aydınlatma sistemlerinin LED teknolojisine dönüşümü ile elde edilecek enerji tasarruf potansiyeli belirlenmiştir. In this study, some important studies have been realized to increase energy efficiency in an integrated textile production operation. In this scope, compressed air systems, hot lines and surfaces, lighting systems, ring spinning machines, stenter machines, steam and hot oil boilers have been examined. Replacement of the rollers (bobbins) used in ring spinning machines with the rollers with lower mass was analyzed during the production process. Instead of heating with hot oil, natural gas burner heating system has been investigated in stenter machines and energy saving potential has been calculated. The operating system and pressure values of the compressors in the compressed air systems are analyzed and the energy saving potentials are calculated, accordingly. By checking the hot lines and surfaces, it is determined that the deficiency of insulation is eliminated and additionally, the energy saving potential which can be obtained by conversion of existing lighting systems into LED technology is determined in the operation International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mehmet Önder SERT Muharrem EYİDOĞAN Fatma Çanka Kılıç Durmuş KAYA

166 231
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Bir Kimyasal Üretim Tesisinde Absorbsiyonlu Soğutucu ile Atık Isı Geri Kazanımı

Günümüzde soğutma sistemlerinin elektrik enerjisi tüketmesi ve elektrik enerji maliyetlerinin yüksek olmasından dolayı atık ısı kaynağı ile çalışan absorbsiyonlu soğutma sistemleri önem kazanmıştır. Enerji kaynağı olarak her türlü atık ısıl ısı enerjiyi kullanabilen absorbsiyonlu soğutma sistemleri, atık ısı dışında ek bir enerjiye ihtiyaç duymamalarından dolayı soğutma ve iklimlendirme uygulamalarında tercih edilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada, bir kimyasal üretim tesisinde mevcut mekanik chiller kullanımı yerine kojenerasyon atık ısısının absorbsiyonlu chillerde kullanılması ile yapılabilecek enerji tasarruf potansiyeli incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında mevcut kojenerasyon atık ısının kullanım potansiyeli araştırılmış ve tesiste kullanılan mekanik soğutucuların uygulama öncesi enerji tüketimleri ile soğutma yükleri belirlenmiştir. Mevcut mekanik soğutucuların yerine kojenerasyon atık ısısı kullanılarak absorbsiyonlu soğutuculara dönüştürülmesi ile elde edilecek tasarruf miktarı hesaplanmıştır. Nowadays, absorption cooling systems are gaining importance because of the excessive electricity consumption and the high energy costs of the cooling systems. Absorption cooling systems, which can use any type of heat energy as an external energy source and they are preferred for cooling and air conditioning applications because they do not need an additional energy source. In this study, it was aimed to increase energy efficiency by using cogeneration waste heat in an absorption chiller instead of using existing mechanical chiller in a chemical production plant. In the scope of the study, the usage potential of existing cogeneration waste heat was investigated and energy consumption and cooling loads of the mechanical coolers were measured in the pre-application period. The amount of energy savings was also calculated in the case of replacing existing mechanical coolers with absorption coolers by using cogeneration waste heat International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

İbrahı̇m Mert Yıldırım Durmuş KAYA Muharrem EYİDOĞAN Fatma Çanka Kılıç Necmi Cemal Özdemir

154 124
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Chaos-improved Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms for Solution of Economic Dispatch Problem

Economical dispatch (ED) problem is defined to obtain an equilibrium point between power generator and cost of each generator. As a conventional definition, the ED problem is defined as the sum of cost from each generator under constraints. Even total cost is defined as the main objective of the problem, the loss at the transmission lines is included as that total power generation must be equal to the loss at the transmission lines and demand at the load. However loss as the transmission line is an important topic for efficiency. Therefore, in this paper transmission loss is defined as a new objective without changing the constraints. This multi-objective ED problem is solved by using multiobjective optimization algorithms. For this purpose three MOEA are applied to the problem and compared with each other. These algorithms are Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2 (SPEA2) and Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II). The performance of these algorithms is aimed to improve with chaosbased random number generator. In total, 6 set of results from multiobjective optimization (both conventional and chaos improved) results are compared and discussed with each other. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


115 123
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Characteristics of products produced by torrefaction of poultry litter

The residual of poultry litter is rising in parallel with increase in number of poultry farming, and that waste causes environmental problems due to difficulties in disposal of waste. Although biochar production is an alternative technology to solve this problem, evaluation of biochar is also an important case for economical sustainability. Depending on the application area, biochar, that had variable characteristics, can be produced by different thermal processes. In this study, the characteristics of products (biochar and gas) produced by torrefaction were investigated to reveal the evaluation of products, especially biochar. The poultry litter was torrefied at low temperature (300°C) in long residence time (60 minute). The products were characterized according to heating value, proximate, ultimate and chemical analysis along with gas analysis. Characteristic of feedstock was also determined for comparison. As a result, about 1.5 fold improvement in properties of feedstock by torrefaction was observed. The poultry-litter based biochar had the similar properties with lignite and thus it would be used as alternative fuel in coal-fired plants for Turkey. Although heavy metal concentration of biomass is changed in wide range, the biochar produced from poultry litter had acceptable amount of heavy metal and adequate content of nutrient for improvement of plant growth. For that reason, the application of biochar as soil amendment could also be proposed. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Kutlu Ozben Kocar Gunnur

106 105
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 CO2-Free Hydrogen Production from Methane using Concentrated Solar Energy

Hydrogen can be produced by many processes, by a series of chemical reactions, many of which have been known for centuries. However, most of these reactions raise severe environmental and safety problems. The analysis of Hydrogen production without CO2 emissions is one of the most challenging activities that have been initiated for a sustainable energy supply. As one of the tracks to fulfil such objective, direct methane cracking has been proposed. In this context comes this numerical simulation of the methane cracking phenomenon. The cracking phenomena of the methane into hydrogen and carbon black takes place in a cylindrical cavity of 16 cm in diameter and 40 cm in length under the heat of concentrated solar radiation without any catalyst. The low Reynolds K - ε turbulence model was applied. A time step of 0.04s has been used. A commercial calculation code "ANSYS FLUENT" is used to simulate the cracking phenomena. The effect of temperature, methane flow rate and residence time has been analysed. From the view point of solar energy two cases were studied: the first one applying a maximum solar radiation of 16MW/m2 on the side wall of the reactor and the second one applying a maximum solar radiation of 5 MW/m2. The CH4 flow rates used at the inlet of the reactor are 0.10, 0.30, 0.58, 0.60, 0.62, 0.76, 0.94 and 1.25L/min. From the view point of phase numbers three cases with were considered: first, the mixture is considered to be biphasic formed by a gaseous phase with methane, hydrogen gases and carbon black powder solid phase, this powder is formed by solid particles with same diameter (d=50nm); the second case is a mixture of 3 phases, i.e. a carbon powder of 2 different diameters plus a gas phase; the third case is a mixture of 5 phases, i.e. a carbon powder of 4 different diameters plus a gas phase. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Rabah Gomri Belkacem Nezzari

115 106
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Çok Kademeli Doyma Çevrimlerinin Ekserji Analizi

Buhar sıkıştırmalı soğutma sistemlerinde doyma çevrimleri, genleşme prosesini doymuş sıvı eğrisine, sıkıştırma prosesini ise doymuş buhar eğrisine yaklaştırmak amacıyla düşünülmektedir. Buhar sıkıştırmalı çevrimlerde kompresör ve kısılma vanasındaki tersinmezlikleri azaltmak amacıyla kullanılması düşünülen doyma çevriminin ekserjetik analizi Engineering Equation Solver (EES) yardımıyla yapılmıştır. İş gören akışkan olarak R410A’nın kullanıldığı düşünülmüştür. Doyma çevrimlerinde kademe sayısının, toplam ve her bir elemandaki tersinmezlik miktarı ve sistemin ekserji verimi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çok kademeli doyma çevrimlerinde ekserji veriminin evaporatör ve kondenser sıcaklıkları ile değişimi incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, bir kademeli sistemden iki kademeli sisteme geçerken, tersinmezliğin daha büyük oranda düştüğü, kademe sayısı üç veya dört olduğunda bu iyileşme oranının azaldığı bulunmuştur. Çok kademeli doyma çevrimlerinin uygulanılması ile tersinmezliklerin en çok kompresörde, sonra da genleşme valfinde azaldığı belirlenmiştir. En çok tersinmezliğe sahip çevrim elemanının kompresör en az tersinmezliğe sahip çevrim elemanının separatör olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kademe sayısı 2, 3 ve 4 olduğunda, ekserji verimi bir önceki kademeye göre sırasıyla %28, %6 ve %2,6 oranında artmıştır. Kondenser sıcaklığı arttıkça ekserji veriminin azaldığı, evaporatör sıcaklığı arttıkça ekserji veriminin yükseldiği tespit edilmiştir. Saturation cycle is proposed in order to approximate the expansion process to the saturated liquid curve and the compression process to the saturated vapor curve for vapor compression refrigeration systems. Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software was used for the exergetic analysis of the saturation cycle, which is intended to reduce the irreversibility of the compressor and throttle valve in vapor compression cycles. R410A was selected as the working fluid. The effect of the number of stages on total irreversibility amount, irreversibility amount of each cycle member and exergy efficiency of system was investigated in saturation cycles. The variation of exergy efficiency with evaporator and condenser temperatures was investigated in multi-stage saturation cycles. According to the results obtained it was found that the decrease in irreversibility occurred most as the transition from one-stage system to twostage system occurred. As the stage number was increased to three or four the decrease rate of irreversibility fell. It was determined that the implementation of multi-stage saturation cycles reduces the irreversibilities most in the compressor and then in the expansion valve. It was determined that the compressor has the most irreversibility among the cycle members and the separator has the least irreversibility among the cycle members. As the stage number was increased to 2, 3 and 4, the exergy efficiency according to previous stages were increased as 28%, 6% and 2.6%, respectively. It was found that as the condenser temperature increases exergy efficiency decreases and as the evaporator temperature increases exergy efficiency increases. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Yusuf Ziya Akman Halil Kürşad Ersoy

127 193
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Comparative Hydrodynamic Analysis of Catenary and Tension Leg Moored Floating Offshore Wind Turbine

Offshore wind energy is a powerful renewable energy source. The floating platform systems are being developed to increase the capacity of installed wind power, and to take advantage of the high wind energy potential on the offshore fields. This study is focused on the design of an offshore floating platform system and on hydrodynamic analysis of the platform mooring system for a 5 MW reference wind turbine. The hydrodynamic model of the system has been developed and the hydrodynamic analysis has been applied to the several alternative designs. Behaviour of the floating platform and the mooring system under different sea conditions were analysed using a commercially developed computer program considering the different mooring systems including the catenary mooring and the tension leg. The effect of different mooring systems on the motion and mooring load characteristics is presented and discussed in detail. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


149 117
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Comparative Study on Photovoltaic Module Temperature Estimation Methods

Power production of photovoltaic (PV) modules is strongly depends on environmental conditions such as, solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind speed. In other words, PV operating point is changed with environmental factors. Therefore, PV power prediction is significantly important according to environmental conditions. One of the most important issues of PV power prediction is PV operating temperature estimations. While the rising PV module temperature is its short circuit current slightly increases, it causes on sharply decreases its voltage. Thus, power production decreases. This study focuses on PV temperature estimation methods such as, nominal cell operating temperature (NOCT) model, Faiman model, Ross model, King model, Muzathik model and finite differences. These methods are reviewed and compared. Influence of the wind speed on the PV module operating temperature and power production is also investigated. Finally, advantages and disadvantages of the methods are discussed. In all the models, it is reported that while the results of the NOCT, Ross and King models are close to each other’s, those of the Faiman and the remaining models are respectively overestimated and underestimated. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Cihan Demircan Hilmi Cenk Bayrakçı Ali Kecebas Onur Vahip Güler

153 169
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Comparison of Direct Torque Control Method and Field Oriented Control Method for Induction Motor In Electric Vehicle

The problem of batteries in electric vehicles is one of the biggest problems. Late charging and premature discharge of the battery makes it difficult to travel to distant ranges on electric vehicles. For this reason, it is necessary to regularly use the energy that is charged in the battery. At the same time, the torque to be produced in the electric vehicle must be sufficiently low to oscillate and the torque must not sinusoidally move. The fluctuation in torque also affects motor speed. Thus, it is necessary to improve the speed control performance by reducing the fluctuation of the torque the least. Direct Torque Control (DTC) and field oriented control (FOC) methods become an industrial standart for induction motor driving. The aim of this paper is to compare the performance of field oriented and direct torque control of 3-phase induction motor. Speed, torque, stator currents, stator flux linkages, flux plane characteristic of induction motor which is controlled by DTC and FOC methods, are obtained from simulation applying reference speed to induction motor. Furthermore, output energy and power by induction motor, are calculated and plotted. The analysis of this chracteristics are simulated by Matlab. İn this study, energy efficiency is achieved by consuming less power through the proposed method. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Gökhan Bahadır Onur Karaoğlu Mustafa Aktaş

144 170
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Cost Analysis Simulation Program of Wind Power Generation Plants

Intended to use of our country’s high wind energy capacity studies with support under the Renewable Energy Law, green energy investments continue. In this paper, based on this law, a cost analysis simulation program, which calculates wind energy costs according to selected location and turbine model, was developed. This program help wind power plant’s both economical and energy feasibility. In the part of financial parameters, the developed tool calculate unit facility cost, investment cost, capital expenditure, total and unit investment cost, unit energy cost and unit operational and management cost. In the power plant data part, installed power and yearly produced amount of energy is obtained according to chosen turbine model, region and turbine number. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Kübra Nur Akpınar Muammer Özdemir

126 119
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 CuO/Su Nanoakışkanı kullanılarak Çift fazlı Termosifon Performansının İyileştirilmesi

Bu çalışmada, yer çekimi destekli bir ısı borusu (termosifon) tasarlanarak imal edilmiş ve performansı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Isı borusunda çalışma akışkanı olarak su ve CuO/su nanoakışkanı kullanılmıştır. CuO/su nanoakışkanı için ağırlıkça %1 ve %2 konsantrasyon oranlarında CuO nanopartikülleri temel akışkan su içerisine karıştırılmıştır. Isı borusu evaporatör bölgesine uygulanan ısı yükü ile buharlaşan çalışma akışkanından ısı enerjisi kondenser bölgesinde soğutma suyu tarafından çekilmiştir. Deneyler su ve CuO/su nanoakışkanı için 400 W sabit ısı yükünde, 18, 27, 36, 45 ve 54 L/h soğutma suyu debilerinde ve ısı borusunun 90 0C eğim açısında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deneylerde ısı borusu yüzey sıcaklıkları, soğutma suyu giriş çıkış sıcaklıkları, soğutma suyu debisi ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Deneysel ölçümler sonucu elde edilen veriler kullanılarak ısı borusu performansı belirlenmiştir. Hesaplamalar neticesinde elde edilen sonuçlara göre; %1CuO/su ve %2CuO/su nanoakışkan kullanımı temel akışkan su kullanımına göre performansta yaklaşık olarak sırasıyla %9 ve %15 oranlarında iyileştirme yaptığı görülmüştür. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Gedik Metin KAYA Osman Mert

156 117
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 D-GDIP’nın Yerel Düzeyde Su Isıtmada Performansının İncelenmesi

Bu çalışmada Kastamonu ili şartlarında direk genleşmeli güneş destekli ısı pompasının (D-GDIP) su ısıtma ve mahal ısıtma amaçlı uygulamalarındaki ısıtma performansı incelendi. Evaporatör olarak 10 m2 güneş kollektörü belirlendi. Isı pompasında akışkan olarak R-134a, su ısıtma uygulamasında 500 L hacmindeki su deposu seçildi. Sistemin ısıtma kapasitesi ise 10 kW olarak belirlenerek hesaplamalar yapıldı ve Kasım, Aralık, Ocak, Şubat, Mart, Nisan ve Mayıs aylarındaki performansı incelendi. Yapılan hesaplamalarda sistemin COP değeri en fazla 3.38 ile Mayıs ayında 2.00 ile ise en düşük Aralık ayında olduğu görüldü. Su deposunda ısıtma uygulamasında en fazla sıcaklığa 94.5 °C ile Mayıs ayında ulaşılırken en düşük 44.4 °C ile Aralık ayında ulaşıldı. In this study, the performans of the direct expansion solar assisted heat pump water heaters (DX-SAHP) were investigated in the Kastamonu region. 10 m2 solar collectors were used in the system as an evaporator. R-134a were used in the vapor compression cycle as a working fluid and 500 L water reservoir were chosen for the energy storage system. Heating capacity of the system were designed 10 kW. System assumed to work in Nowember, December, January, February, March, April, May and the required calculation were made accordingly. The calculated results showed that COP of the system reached up to 3.38 in May and decreased to 2.00 in the December. At the water heater, the maximum temperature of the water was achieved 94.5 °C in May and the lowest temperature was calculated 44.4 °C in December. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


147 154
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Design and Application of Fuzzy Logic Controlled Induction Heating System

Induction heating has many advantages over the conventional heating systems. Therefore, it is used in many applications from cooking in the kitchen to surface hardening in the industry. In this study, an induction heating system is designed to dry a metal pipe passed through the painting process. The half-bridge inverter is used at the power stage of the system and the power switches are turned on under ZVS conditions. FLC is preferred to perform the closed-loop power control and the switching frequency of the inverter is selected as the control variable. The temperature of the pipe used as feedback to set up the inputs of the FLC is set to the reference value of 50 °C. A low-cost DSPIC microcontroller is used to operate the FLC, digitize the feedback, and generate gate signals for the switches. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Salih Nacar Selim ÖNCÜ

138 128
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Developing a Software for Analyzing and Designing Charge Pump Based Boost Converters

Environmental friendly energy sources like solar, fuel or wind cells provide low voltage levels. Grids work with higher voltage levels so voltage step up is required before connecting these new energy sources to grid. Conventional boost converter is not able to provide a large DC gain. There are some topologies available in literature which provides the required high DC gain. This paper develops a MATLAB® toolbox for analysis and design of two stage charge pump based boost converter suggested by Liang, et al. (2013). Developed software solves the converter’s differential equations and draws the circuit’s different waveforms. So, selection of components can be done easily using these information. Developed software also calculates the small signal transfer functions. So, controller design can be done easily using MATLAB’s control system toolbox. Contact corresponding author to receive the software. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Farzin Asadi Nurettin Abut , Mehmet Keskin Kılıç

118 108
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Difüzyonlu Absorbsiyonlu Soğutma (DAS) Sistemlerinde Termal Kompresördeki Isı Değiştiricisinin Tasarımı ve Performansa Etkisi

Bu çalışmada, saflaştırıcıdan soğurucuya dönen, sıcaklığı azalmış fakir karışımın ısı değiştiricisinden geçerken sıcaklığının arttırılmasını sağlamak amacıyla DAS sistemlerinin termal kompresör bölgesinde bulunan ısı değiştiricisinin modellemesi yapılmıştır. Sistemde soğutucu-soğurucu akışkan çözeltisi olarak NH3-H2O (%25-%75) kullanılmıştır. Analiz için kanatçıklı ve ticari olarak kullanılan kanatsız (düz borulu) ısı değiştiricisi modellenmiştir. Tasarlanan ısı değiştirici kanatçıkları düz tasarlanmış olup fakir eriyiğin temas ettiği boru cidarının dış yüzeyine yerleştirilmiştir. Tasarlanan eşanjör sonlu hacimler metoduna göre çalışan HAD programı olan Fluent yazılımıyla, sayısal analizi yapılmış ve sistem COP’unun hesaplamasında kullanılan kaynatıcı sıcaklıkları bulunmuştur. Kanatlı ve kanatsız ısı değiştiricilerin ısıl performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Kanatsız ısı değiştiricisinde kaynatıcı sıcaklığı ortalama 150.09°C olarak belirlenmiştir. Tasarımlanan kanatlı ısı değiştiricisinde ise bu değer ortalama 157.21°C bulunmuştur. Yapılan çalışmayla kaynatıcı sıcaklığında %3.3’lük bir atış sağlanmıştır. Bu sıcaklık artışıyla, sistem çalışması için verilen ısı kaynağından yararlanma oranı ve sistemin performansının iyileştiği belirlenmiştir. In this study, the heat exchanger in the thermal compressor zone of the DAS systems was modeled to increase the temperature while passing through the heat exchanger of the lean mixture, which returns from the purifier to the absorber. NH3-H2O (25% -75%) was used as the refrigerant-absorbing fluid solution in the system. The winged and commercially available wingless (flat pipe) heat exchanger is modeled for analysis. The designed heat exchanger fins are designed in a straight line and placed on the outer surface of the pipe wall where the poor melt contacts. Numerical analysis was performed with the Fluent software, which is a HAD program operating according to the designed heat exchanger finite volume method, and the boiler temperatures used in the calculation of the system COP were found. The thermal performances of poultry and wingless heat exchangers have been compared. The average temperature of the boiler in the wingless heat exchanger was determined as 150.09°C. For the designed finned heat exchanger this value was found to be 157.21°C on average. With the work done, a shot of 3.3% was obtained at the boiler temperature. With this increase in temperature, the utilization rate of the heat source provided for the system operation and the improvement of the performance of the system have been determined. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Önder ŞAHİN Engin Özbaş Tayfun MENLİK Adnan Sözen Dilek KALE

122 101
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 DSP based Motor/Generator Operation of Induction Machine

The speed control of electric motors has been a reseach subject since the induction machines were developed. At the last years, recent studies on induction motors have focused on field oriented control and direct torque control methods, which provide high performance control and are based on vector control. In this study direct torque control of induction motor was simulated by using mathematical model. Later, DSP based vector control of induction machine was performed experimentally thanks to designed an inverter circuit. In addition to operation on motor mode, induction machine was operated in regenerative braking by operating on generator mode and thus, recovery of energy was provided International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

O. Metin M. Aktaş H. Aygün

140 120
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Effect of Chevron Angle on Thermal Efficiency in Plate Heat Exchanger

—The plate heat exchangers are commonly used for process heating and cooling applications in chemical, food processing and pharmaceutical industries. In this study, the first law (energy) analysis was performed theoretically and the heat efficiencies were compared under similar operating parameters of the counterflow plate heat exchangers with 30o, 45o and 60o chevron angles using water-water pairs International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

M. A. Ersöz Abdullah Yıldız

126 112
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Effect of Heat Pipe in the Metal Hydride Tank for Hydrogen Storage

Heat transfer from/to the metal hydride bed is a significant factor affecting the performance of metal hydride storage tanks (MHSTs for short). This study presents a novel design for metal hydride tank equipped with a heat pipe. The experimental study explains the use of heat pipe to enhance the heat transfer in MHST, which built using LaNi4.75Al0.25 as the storage media and under various hydrogen pressure supplies in range of 2 to10 bar. This study also presents comparisons between the two different MHSTs which are designed with and without heat pipe. Methanol is used as a working fluid inside the heat pipe. Results show that the usage of heat pipes can be a good choice to increase hydrogen storing performance in both absorption and desorption. The absorption time at 10 bar hydrogen inlet pressure was reduced more than 30%, and the mass of hydrogen storage increased by 15% International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Muhammet Kayfec Fawzi ELHAMSHRI Gökan OZKUL

140 144
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Effect of Nanoparticle Diameter on Nanofluid Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer in a Square Cross-Sectioned Horizontal Channel

This study investigates the heat transfer enhancements of CuO nanofluid according to nanoparticle size. For maximum heat transfer enhancement, optimum nanoparticle diameter is going to be found. In this numerical study, forced convection nanofluid flow in a 0.01-m x 0.01-m cross-sectioned and 3-m long square duct under turbulent flow regime was investigated. Constant heat flux of 20 kW/m2 was applied to the surfaces of the duct. CuO/water nanofluid was used in analyses to enhance the convective heat transfer of the base fluid. Thermo-physical properties of nanofluid are constant. Analyses were performed for Reynolds numbers between 104 and 105, also for volume concentrations between 0% and 4%. The finite volume discretization method was used to solve the governing equations. Single phase model was considered. Thermophysical properties of the nanofluid were found thanks to the single phase correlations which depended on nanoparticle diameter. The effects of nanoparticle diameter on velocity distribution, average Nusselt number, and average Darcy friction factor were investigated in detail. The results indicate that higher volume concentrations of CuO/water nanofluid offers more average convective heat transfer enhancement. Higher nanoparticle size nanofluids offer lower enhancement International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


118 98
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Effects of LPG Fuel on Catalyst Temperature of a SI Engine under Real Life Driving Conditions

For this experiment, a spark ignition engine designed to use gasoline has been modified to use LPG, so it has become bi-fuel engine. Catalyst temperature for different speeds and engine loads is evaluated. Thanks to an OBD2 diagnostic interface and its specific software, a handful of sensors of the car can be reached. It is widely accepted that LPG causes overheating of engine, and so LPG converted engines have lower lifespan. In order to evaluate the effect of LPG on catalyst, catalyst temperatures are used. Experiments are executed under real life driving conditions, on a straight track at various speeds using cruise control feature for more accuracy. The results indicate that there isn’t any significant temperature increase when the engine is running on LPG. Most important reasons of increasing temperature in cylinders are incorrect air/fuel ratio under LPG operating conditions, and lack of control over advance timing on LPG. Reasons of this are going to be discussed further International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


139 571
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Effects of Temperature, Irradiance and Connection Type on Photovoltaic System Efficiency

Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) characteristic of Photovoltaics (PV) modules are important issues in order to provide maximum power point (MPP) of PV. I-V and P-V characters are related to the environment, which certainly means that the efficiency of these cells affected by the environmental factors like temperature, radiation, dust, etc. Most recent trends in solar design use computer modeling to connect solar lighting systems, solar heat and ventilation considering weather data due to their effects on the solar cell performance. This paper presents the modeling and simulation of PV module using the MATLAB/ Simulink for calculating and plotting the I-V and P-V characteristics of PV module. Datasheet parameters of Mitsubishi PV-UD190MF5 PV module has been used for simulation. Effects of irradiance, temperature and connection types on the PV efficiency are investigated. The output performance of the PV panels is evaluated under different test conditions. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

E. Aza Khan Ahmet Doğan Mustafa Alçı

127 161
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Endüstriyel Bir Biyogaz Tesisinde Ölçme ve Kontrol Sisteminin İncelenmesi

Biyogaz tesislerinde organik atıklarının değerlendirilmesi ile metan gazı üretilmekte ve elde edilen metan gazı ise kojenerasyon sistemlerinde ısı ve elektrik enerjisine dönüştürülmektedir. Biyogaz üretim ve kojenerasyon sisteminde kullanımı için ölçme ve kontrol sistemi gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda basınç, seviye, sıcaklık ölçümleri yapılmakta ve biyogaz içeriği analiz edilmektedir. Ölçüm sisteminden alınan bilgiler doğrultusunda pompa, karıştırıcı, blower ve ısıtma sistemi kontrol edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, endüstriyel bir biyogaz tesisinde kullanılan ölçüm ve kontrol sistemi ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır Biogas is produced by evaluating the organic wastes in the biogas plant. The obtained biogas is converted into heat and electricity energy in the cogeneration systems. A measurement and control system is required for use in biogas production and cogeneration systems. In this scope, pressure, level, temperature measurements are made and biogas content is analyzed. The pump, mixer, blower and heating system are controlled according to the information obtained from the measuring system. In this study, the measurement and control system used in an industrial biogas plant is discussed in detail International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Fatih Mehmet KAYA Muharrem EYİDOĞAN Durmuş KAYA

131 344
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Energy Management with Heuristic Approach in Smart Homes

In this study, the optimum run time of each electrical appliances is scheduled to reduce the total energy consumption cost in smart homes and to flat the electrical load curve. The participation of residents in the price-based Demand Response (DR) program through the time-varying price tariffs, largely determines their energy consumption habits. The energy management for the smart home, which includes distributed generation, energy storage system, electric vehicle (EV) and controllable electrical appliances is optimized by using genetic algorithm method. Thanks to bidirectional power flow technology, the excess energy of EVs, considered as a mobile energy storage system and the distributed generation unit, can be transferred to the smart home or to the grid. EVs are an important option to supply energy demands at smart home during peak hours and to eliminate instabilities such as voltage drop and frequency fluctuation that may occur in the grid International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Efe Isa Tezde H. Ibrahim Okumus

128 111
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Estimation of Wind Speed by using Regression Learners with Different Filtering Methods

In this study, regression learning methods such as linear regression, linear Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Gaussian SVM are used to estimate the wind speed on monthly time series. The wind speed data is consisted of ten-minute bars taken from the wind central in Zonguldak province in Turkey. In the pre-processing stage, Moving Average (MA), Weighted MA and Exponential MA filters are performed by using between 3 and 10 delay times on the wind speed data set. The data range is converted to the range [0, 1] in the normalization operation. Three different regression methods are used to estimate the wind speed. In the training phase of the models 10-fold crossvalidation method is used. The performance of the models is compared with statistical indicators such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The minimum estimation error value is determined for used models. It has been observed that Gaussian SVM model approach gives the least error to estimate wind speed with MA filters and delay steps when compared to other methods International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Seçkin Karasu Aytaç Altan Zehra Saraç Rıfat Hacıoğlu

120 142
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Experimental Investigation of The Effect of Nanoparticle Size on The Performance of Thermosyphon with Clinoptilolite /Water Nanofluid

The heat transfer characteristics of the heat transfer devices can be enhanced by changing the properties and flow features of working fluids. In this regard, heat transfer characteristics of a two–phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) with clinoptilolite/water nanofluid are experimentally determined for 3 different particle size of clinoptilolite nanoparticles, that is 50 nm, 340-370 nm and 450-500 nm, respectively. The TPCT is fabricated from the copper tube with the 13 mm inner and 15 mm outer diameters, whereas the length of it is 1 m. The experimental work was carried out under different operating conditions ranging from 200 W to 400 W and 5 g/s to 10 g/s for the heater power and coolant mass flow rate, respectively. The input parameters such as effects of mass flow rates of cooling water, heater power and thermal resistance of the TPCT were investigated. It is observed that the efficiency of the TPCT increases when clinoptilolite/water nanofluid was used as the working fluid instead of deionized water. Moreover, the maximum enhancement in the thermal performance was obtained as approximately 16% for all conditions in the experiments in which TPCT was charged with the nanofluid as the working fluid. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


114 103
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Abstract Language: English
2017 Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Using Silicon Isolators on the Performance of PV Panels

The electrical efficiency of photovoltaic panels decreases as the temperature of PV cells increases as a result of converting most of the absorbed solar energy to heat, which needs to be dissipated effectively and economically. In this study, a sheet of 0.25 mm silicon isolator type Sil-Pad 400 supplied by Henkel Electronics materials company with thermal conductivity of 0.9 W/m.K was laminated at the back of solar cells instead of tedlar layer to enhance the thermal conductivity of PV panel back layers. The constructed silicon isolator PV panel is outdoor tested at the same time with another standard PV panel having the same parameters under the same conditions and in the same position and location. The experimental results showed an improvement in electric power generation and cells temperature for the constructed silicon isolator panel. The front surface temperature of the silicon isolator panel was lower than that of standard panel by 8 °C to 1.5 °C, where the back surface temperature of the silicon isolator panel was 6 °C to 1 °C lower than that of standard panel. The overall average increase in power generation for silicon isolator panel was about 13% with respect to the standard panel. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Muhammet Kayfec Salaheldin ALOUS Ali Uysal

151 113
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Farklı Geometrik Yapıya Sahip Güneş Enerjili Isı Borularının Kurutma İşleminde Deneysel Karşılaştırılması

Bu çalışmada bir kurutma işlemi için farklı geometrik yapıya sahip güneş enerjili ısı boruları karşılaştırılmıştır. Bunun için oval (O-Tipi) ve dairesel (D-Tipi) iki tip ısı borusu imal edilmiştir. Isı boruları aynı özelliklere sahip silindirik yapıdaki iki adet kurutma haznesine yerleştirilmiştir. Haznenin boş bırakıldığı deneylerde en yüksek ısıtıcı sıcaklığı O-Tipinde 199.3°C, D-Tipinde ise 190.4°C olmuştur. Kurutmanın yapıldığı deneylerde ise taze nane ve taze kırmızıbiber kullanılmıştır. DTipi kurutucuda taze nane ağırlıkça %77.39 kurutulurken, OTipinde %84.36 kurutma sağlanmıştır. Kırmızıbiber için yapılan deneyde D-Tipinde ağırlıkça %27.12 kurutma sağlanırken, OTipinde %39.74 kurutma gerçekleşmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Özbaş Adem Bozkır

108 85
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Farklı Kanal Kesitli Mikrokanallarda Akış Ve Isı Transferi Analizi

Bu çalışmada aynı hidrolik çapa sahip fakat farklı kesitli mikrokanallarda hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (CFD) analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mikrokanalın geometrisi istenen performansı elde etmek için önemli bir tasarım değişkenidir. Günümüzde çoğu mikrokanal deneme yanılma yöntemiyle tasarlandığından, sistematik bir optimal geometrik tasarım yöntemi oluşturma ihtiyacı vardır. Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (CFD), mikrokanalların şeklinin, akış alanında, ısı ve kütle taşınımı olayları üzerinde etkisini titizlikle incelemek için sıklıkla kullanılır. Bu çalışmada pürüzsüz mikro kanallarda tek fazlı akış ve ısı transferini incelemek için ticari bİr yazılım olan Fluent 16.0 kullanılarak nümerik çalışma yapılmıştır. Dört farklı geometrili; (1) kare kesitli (2) üçgen kesitli (3) dairesel ve (4) dikdörtgen kesitli mikrokanallar için sayısal analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tüm mikro kanalların hidrolik çapları 100 μm ve uzunluğu 10 cm'dir. Sayısal analizde ısı transferi, çıkış sıcaklığı ve basınç düşümü hesaplanarak farklı geometriler için karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


118 151
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Fotovoltaik Panel Tasarımı İçin İki Aşamalı Bir Optimizasyon Metodolojisi

Son yıllarda fotovoltaik sıcaklığının kontrolü için uygulanan en önemli iki yöntem faz değişim malzemesinin panele entegresi ve hava kanalları içerisinden zorlanmış taşınım ile fazla ısının alınmasıdır. Faz değişim malzemesi içeren panel tasarımında güç üretim miktarını belirleyen önemli tasarım parametreleri; faz değişim malzemesinin cinsine bağlı olarak değişen erime sıcaklığı, faz değişim malzemesinin kütlesi belirleyen kalınlığı ve fotovoltaik panelde kullanılan yarıiletken cinsi parametreleridir. Çalışmada İzmir ili ortam şartlarında bulunan faz değişim malzemeli fotovoltaik panel sistemi tasarımı ve optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, fotovoltaik panel sistemlerinin performansını belirleyen en önemli etken olan güç üretim miktarının yanında bu tür sistemlerin uygulanabilirliğini önemli ölçüde etkileyen maliyeti de göz önünde bulundurulmuş, her iki faktöründe en iyilendiği bir tasarım belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Şebnem Yılmaz Balaman Cem Kalkan Tugay Aşkın Ateş Mehmet Akif Ezan

164 139
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Fotovoltaik Panellerin Verimliliğini Toprak-Hava Isı Değiştirici Sistemi ile Artıran Deneysel Bir Çalışma

It is well known that the efficiency of PV panels vary under temperature changes and the high temperature decreases the power output of PV panels. There are some technical solutions to lower the temperature of PV panels. One of them is using the Earth-Air Heat Exchanger (EAHX). EAHX systems used for cooling the air in summer and heating in winter by using the energy that soil has. EAHX can supply cool air in order to decline the temperature of PV panels. In this study, the PV panel was cooled with cool air which is obtained from EAHX. The temperatures of Monocrystalline PV panels with EAHX and without EAHX, air velocity and the solar radiation were measured in Şanlıurfa, Turkey which has hot and dry climatic conditions. The Current- Voltage (I-V) Characteristic Curves are also determined during the experimental study. The measured results of PV panels with EAHX and without EAHX were compared each other. It was determined that the surface temperature of the cooled PV panel decreased by about 20 ° C and the power obtained from the panel increased by 5 %. Consequently, it was observed that the high temperature has negative effect on the power produced from PV panels and EAHX can be used for cooling PV panels in order to produce more energy. PV panellerin verimliliğinin sıcaklık değişimleri altında farklılık gösterdiği ve yüksek sıcaklığın PV panellerden elde edilen gücü olumsuz etkilediği bilinmektedir. PV panellerin sahip olduğu yüksek sıcaklığı düşürmek için bazı teknik çözümler bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri de Toprak-Hava Isı Değiştirici (THID) sistemlerinin kullanılmasıdır. THID; toprağın sahip olduğu enerjiyi kullanarak, yazın havanın soğutulması, kışın ise ısıtılması için kullanılan sistemlerdir. THID; PV panelin sıcaklığını düşürmek amacıyla soğuk hava sağlayabilir. Bu çalışmada PV panelin yüzey sıcaklığı THID’ den elde edilen soğuk hava ile düşürülmüştür. THID sistemi kullanılan ve kullanılmayan monokristal PV panellerin sıcaklığı, hava hızı ve güneş ışınımı değerleri sıcak ve kuru bir iklime sahip olan Şanlıurfa ili için hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca Akım-Gerilim (I-V) Karakteristik Eğrileri, deneysel çalışma sırasında tespit edilmiştir. THID kullanılan ve kullanılmayan PV panellere ait ölçüm sonuçları kendi içinde karşılaştırılmıştır. Soğutulan PV panelin yüzey sıcaklığının yaklaşık 20°C azaldığı, panelden elde edilen gücün ise % 5 arttığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak yüksek sıcaklığın PV panellerden üretilen gücü olumsuz etkilediği ve THID’ nin daha fazla enerji üretmek için PV panelleri soğutmak amacıyla kullanılabileceği görülmüştür. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Y. Demirtaş H. Bulut Y. İşıker M.A. İlkhan

120 133
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Gıda Kurutulmasında Akışkan Yataklı Kurutma Sistemlerinin Kullanımı: Bir İnceleme

Kurutma, tarımsal ürünlerin bozulmadan korunması için kullanılan en eski yöntemdir. Kurutma işlemi ile birlikte gıda ürünlerindeki su aktivitesi değeri düşer. Böylece gıdaların bozulma süreci yavaşlar. Endüstriyel talepleri karşılayacak birçok kurutucu modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu kurutucu yapılarından biri de akışkan yataklı kurutuculardır. Akışkan yataklı sistemlerin temel prensibi, kurutulacak tanecikli ürünlere akışkan özelliklerine benzer özellikler kazandırılmasıdır. Bu sistemlerde kurutulacak ürünler akışkan bir ortam (hava) içinde askı halinde tutulurken kuruma işlemi gerçekleşir. Akışkan yataklı kurutucularda kurutma havası ürünün her bir noktasına homojen olarak dağılır. Bu nedenle bu kurutucular yüksek bir kurutma performansına sahiptirler. Ayrıca bu tip kurutucular, ülkemizde bol miktarlarda bulunan bakliyat, tahıl gibi ürünlerin kurutulmasında da çok kullanışlıdırlar. Bu çalışmada, literatürde bulunan ve gıda kurutulmasında kullanılan farklı yapılardaki akışkan yataklı kurutucular incelenmiştir. Drying is the oldest method used for the protection of agricultural products. With the drying process, the water activity in the food products is reduced. Thus, the degradation process of foods slows down. Many dryer models have been developed to meet industrial demands. One of these dryer structures is fluid bed dryers. The basic principle of fluidizedbed systems is to impart properties similar to fluid properties to the granular products to be dried. In these systems the drying process takes place while the products to be dried are suspended in a fluid environment. In fluidized bed dryers, the drying air is homogeneously distributed at each point of the product. For this reason, these dryers have a high drying performance. These types of dryers are also very useful for drying crops such as pulses and grains, which are abundant in our country. In this study, fluidized bed dryers in the literature and in different structures used for food drying were investigated. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Ali Etem Gürel İlhan Ceylan Doğancan Uz

147 214
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Güç Katsayısı Düzeltme Devresi Tasarımı

Son In recent years, the decline in energy resources has led to the need for efficient use of these resources. Power factor correction is a very important issue in the efficient use of energy. A large majority of today's loads are working with the direct current and they take their energy from the grid through a power electronic circuit. These power electronic circuits are circuits that distort the power factor. Power factor correction (PFC) is required according to international standards (EN61000-3-2). Power factor correction circuits which using electronic circuits and control circuits have become much cheaper and more efficient than conventional methods. Active PFC circuits can keep the power factor in the range of 0.95-0.99 and the total harmonic distortion (THD) below 5% under wide voltage and load values. In power factor correction applications, numerical control allows the implementation of complex algorithms. It brings the use of flexibility and simplified circuit structure. In this study, Boost-PFC Converter simulated in Matlab-Simulink environment based on selected parameters was performed. Son yıllarda, enerji kaynaklarının azalması, bu kaynakların verimli kullanılması zorunluluğunu doğurmuştur. Enerjinin verimli kullanılmasında güç faktörünün düzeltilmesi oldukça önemli bir konudur. Günümüzdeki yüklerin büyük bir çoğunluğu doğru akımla çalışmaktadır ve enerjilerini bir güç elektroniği devresi üzerinden şebekeden alırlar. Bu güç elektroniği devreleri güç faktörünü bozan devrelerdir. Güç faktörünün düzeltilmesi (PFC) uluslararası standartlara göre(EN61000-3-2) zorunludur. Elektronik devre ve kontrol devreleri kullanarak güç faktörü düzelten devreler, klasik yöntemlere göre çok daha ucuz ve verimli hale gelmiştir. Aktif PFC devreleri geniş gerilim ve yüklenme değerlerinde güç faktörünü 0.95-0.99 aralığında ve toplam harmonik bozunumu(THD) %5’in altın da tutabilmektedir. Güç faktörünün düzeltilmesi uygulamalarında sayısal kontrol, karmaşık algoritmaların gerçekleştirilmesine olanak sağlamakta, kullanıma esneklik getirmekte ve devre yapısı basitleşmektedir. Bu çalışmada, seçilen parametrelere göre yükseltici tip güç katsayısı düzelten dönüştürücünün (Boost-PFC Converter) benzetimi Matlab-Simulink ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mert Lama Tarık Erfidan M. Zeki Bilgin

145 347
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Güneş Enerjili Doğal Akışlı Isıtıcı Tipleriyle Termoelektrik Modülden Elektrik Üretiminin Deneysel İncelenmesi

Bu çalışmada güneş enerjili doğal akışlı ısıtıcı tipleri ile termoelektrik jeneratörden elektrik üretimi deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. O-Tipi, T-Tipi ve C-Tipi olmak üzere üç farklı yapıdaki doğal akışlı ısıtıcılar vakumlu cam tüp içerisine yerleştirilerek termoelektrik jeneratörlerin güneş enerjisiyle ısıtılması sağlanmıştır. Termoelektrik jeneratörlerin soğutma işlemi ise demir yüzeyden hava temasıyla sağlanmıştır. Deneyler sonucu en yüksek açık gerilim değerleri O-Tipi, T-Tipi ve C-Tipi ile sırasıyla 0.15V, 0.22V ve 0.21V olarak gerçekleşmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Özbaş

133 91
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Güneş Enerjili Isı Borularında Yansıtıcı Etkisinin Deneysel Karşılaştırılması

Bu çalışmada güneş enerjili ısı borularında yansıtıcı kullanımının etkisi deneysel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Bunun için aynı özelliklere sahip üç adet ısı borusu imal edilmiştir. Su ısıtmasında kullanılan ısı borularının buharlaştırıcı bölgelerine 5lt’lik su depoları bağlanmıştır. Isı boruları yansıtıcısız, yarımyansıtıcılı ve tam-yansıtıcılı olmak üzere aynı anda deneysel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan deneyler sonucu en yüksek depo suyu sıcaklığı yansıtıcısızda 53.0°C, yarım-yansıtıcılıda 58.8°C ve tam-yansıtıcıda 66.7°C olmuştur. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Özbaş Bahadır ACAR

137 130
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Hibrit Elektrikli Araçlar için Güzergah Bilgisi Kullanılarak Akıllı Enerji Yönetim Sistemi

Üretim ve tüketim sistemini besleyen enerjinin petrol ve doğalgaz gibi sınırlı yakıtlardan elde edilmesi dünyanın geleceğini tehdit etmektedir. Fosil yakıtla beslenen araçlardan doğaya salınan sera gazları da azımsanacak seviyede değildir. Dünya çapında bu duruma karşı önlem alınması için fosil yakıtlı araçlardan elektrikli araçlara geçilmesi hedeflenmiştir. . Bu geçiş döneminde hibrit araçlar, elektrikli araçlara geçişin ilk adımını oluşturmaktadır. Hibrit araçlarda elektrikli motor ile benzinli motorun devreye girmeleri farklı modlarda ve koşullarda olmaktadır. Her marka ve modelin işletme şartları farklı olmakla birlikte hemen hemen tamamında güzergah bilgisine göre bir işletme yapılmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, hibrit araçlarda elektrik enerjisinin kullanımını en yüksek seviyede tutarak, fosil yakıt kullanımını en aza indirmek amaçlanmıştır. Amaca yönelik olarak bir enerji yönetim algoritması oluşturulmuştur. Sürücünün belirleyeceği güzergah için similasyonun önceden yapılıp, mevcut batarya durumu, yol ve sürüş bilgilerine göre optimum işletme şartları belirlenmiştir. Yol benzetimi ile elektrik motorunun motor/generatör çalışacağı bölgeler belirlenmiş, bu bölgelerde harcanan ve geri kazanılan güçler hesaplanarak benzinli motora mümkün olan en az kullanım imkanı verilerek elektrik enerjisinin daha verimli kullanımı sağlanıp yakıt tasarrufu yapılmaya çalışılmıştır. Aynı güzergah için önerilen yöntem ile mevcut yöntem sonuçları karşılaştırılıp avantajlar ve yapılacak yakıt tasarrufu bulunmuştur. Achieving energy from the limited fuel, such as oil and natural gas, that feeds the production and consumption system threatens the future of the world. The greenhouse gases released into the environment from vehicles exhaust is also at a dismal level. In order to take measures against this situation, it is aimed to switch from fossil fueled vehicles to electric powered vehicles. . During this transition period, hybrid vehicles are the first step towards the transition to electric vehicles. In hybrid vehicles there are different modes and different conditions in which the electric motor and the petrol engine are switched on. Not all brands and models are operating in accordance with the route information with the operating conditions being different. In this study, it is aimed to minimize the use of fossil fuel by keeping the usage of electric energy at the highest level in hybrid vehicles. An energy management algorithm was created for the purpose. Simulation for the route to be determined by the driver is made in advance and optimum operating conditions are determined according to the current battery condition, road and driving information. By means of the road simulation, the regions where the motor / generator will work for the electric motor are determined and the consumed and recovered powers are calculated and the gasoline motor is given the least possible usage possibility. The proposed method and the results have been compared with the classical methods and their outcomes used previously as stated in the literature review, And that clarified explicitly the advantages of the proposed method and its ability to get a big value from ecominal point of view and energy save International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Eyyüp Aslan M. Zeki Bilgin Tarık Erfidan

131 149
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Hibrit Yenilenebilir Enerji Sistemi Tasarımı ve Optimizasyonu İçin Bir Karar Modeli

Tek enerji kaynağının kullanıldığı sistemlerin bir zayıf noktası, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının her coğrafi konum ve yerleşimde erişilebilir olmamasıdır. Iki ya da daha fazla yenilenebilir enerji sisteminin bütünleşik olarak çelıştığı hibrit sistemlerde enerji kaynaklarından biri mevcut olmadığında, var olan diğer kaynağı kullanarak bu sorunun üstesinden gelinebilir. Buna ek olarak yenilenebilir enerji üretim projelerinin yatırım maliyetleri, teknolojik olgunluk nedeniyle fosil yakıtlı enerji üretim projelerine göre genellikle daha yüksektir. Bu çalışmada, tüm bu olumsuzluklar göz önünde bulundurularak, yenilenebilir enerji sistemi seçimi ve optimizasyonu için bir karar modeli geliştirilmiş, geliştirilen karar modelinin uygulaması bir firmanın var olan enerji sisteminin yenilenebilir enerji sistemine dönüştürülmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Şebnem Yılmaz Balaman İrem Boylu Hatice Üstündağ Hasan Selim

149 173
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 High Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking with The Peak-Current-Mode-Controlled Interleaved SEPIC with Coupled Inductor

A SEPIC (single-ended primary inductance converter) DC-DC converter has become popular in recent years particularly some applications where output voltage may be above or below the converter input voltage. In this paper, the interleaved SEPIC converter with coupled inductors is designed and employed in photovoltaic (PV) system applications for maximum power point tracking. The interleaved SEPIC is constructed as two parallel conventional converter module. Thus, the controller generates two PWM control signals with 180 degrees out of phase. In the designed SEPIC, the peak-currentmode controller is employed to control each inductor current according to inductor current references (IL1 and IL2). The sum of the inductor currents is the input (PV) current. In this study, MPPT process is realized the reference voltage (Vref) generated from MPPT algorithm is directly applied the PI controller, and thus ILref is obtained for peak-current-mode-controller. The system is analyzed for sudden irradiation varying conditions and sudden load change. Simulation results show that the proposed converter is very efficient in the MPPT process and has a fastdynamic response due to the peak-current-mode-controller and the PI controller. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Onur BIYIKLIOĞLU Murat Ünlü Sabri Çamur

134 155
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Hydrochar as a fuel: hydrothermal carbonization of orange peel wastes

Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical conversion process, which is applied to biomass to enhance its fuel properties. As a basis, HTC is a thermal degradation process in the presence of water under moderate temperature (200-280°C) and corresponding pressure. Despite the fact that the high content of moisture is a disadvantage for the traditional methods, it is an advantage for HTC. This study mainly focuses on producing a fuel, a hydrochar, which is produced from orange peel wastes from orange juice production facilities. Due to the reason that HTC is mainly affected from retention time and biomass/water ratio, experiments were done at constant temperature (220°C) but at variable retention times (1h, 3h, 5h) and biomass/water ratio (10g /0 ml, 10 g/10 ml, 10 g/15 ml). Based on results, it is clear that volatile content was decreased and fixed carbon percentage was increased at all HTC applications. Moreover, HTC resulted in hydrochars with higher calorific values. Among the results, the best conditions, which provide lowest volatile matter (46.3%), highest fixed carbon content (49.4%), are the retention time of 5 hours and biomass/water ratio of 10g/10ml. Based on FT-IR results, at all HTC conditions experimented, hemicellulose degradation was clear, due to the disappearance of 1732 cm-1 band of C=O vibration. Moreover all of the hydrochar samples represented vibrations at 1694-1697 cm-1 denoting carboxylic acid and their esters (COOH and -COOH3) on the surface. As a conclusion, hydrochar samples obtained from orange peel wastes can be regarded as good fuel candidates in terms of their surface characteristics, volatile matter, fixed carbon content and heating value International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Sibel Başakçılardan Kabakcı Medya Hatun Tanış

109 110
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Hydrodynamic-Combustion Behavior Of A 330 MWth Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser Burning Different Lignites

Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers (CFBB) provide the most suitable combustion system for efficient and clean burning and gasification of low quality lignite. In this study, the bed material volume fraction, temperature and the pressure distribution in the furnace were investigated by burning four different types of coal in a ÇAN TS furnace geometry underspecified boundary conditions. A CPFD(Computational Particle Fluid Dynamics)method was used for the numerical analyzes in this study. A MP-PIC (Multiphase-Particle in Cell) method was used to solve gas-solid multiphase flows in the numerical analyzes. An EMMS-YANG 2004 drag model, a SIMPLE solution algorithm, a Particle Donor Cell Differencing discretization method and the LES turbulence method were also used in the numerical analyzes. Time steps for the numerical analyzes were taken every 5 s, and the analyzes were performed over 200 seconds. The numerical models were verified by ÇAN TS experimental results. The temperature, pressure, particle velocity and bed material volumetric ratio distributions in the CFBB combustion chamber were compared for four different lignites. The study results showed that the average sand volume ratio in the base of the furnace and in the combustion chamber varied from 0.4 to0.6, but after secondary air combustion was used in the furnace, the volume ratio of sand in the furnace’s combustion chamber changed from 0.07 to 0.10. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Osman İPEK Barış GÜREL Mehmet KAN

117 111
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Improved MPPT Controller Without System Dependency

This paper proposes an improved MPPT controller without system dependency. This controller consists of three stages which are initialization, action and perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. First, value of solar irradiance is estimated by measuring PV current under certain condition. Then, a look-up table is used to calculate duty ratios in the action stage. Finally, P&O algorithm is used to complete MPPT precisely. To validate the superior performance of the proposed MPPT controller, a single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC) and MPPT system are modelled in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Besides that, experimental results show that proposed controller has better performance compared with P&O algorithm. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mustafa Engin Başoğlu Bekir Çakır

119 100
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Investigation of Surface Area of Al2O3-Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen storage is still one of the most important problem for hydrogen energy, this problem has been resolved highly by using carbon based materials in recent years. Carbon nanotubes have been targeted by coating with various adsorbent materials, transition metals and some compounds to realize this storage at maximum level. In this study, alumina doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes were synthesized. The characteristics, polarizations and thermal properties of the synthesized nanotubes have been investigated. It was observed that the bonds of the nanotubes, with the alumina addiction, surface area increased and the hydrogen storage was realized at higher level. Hydrogen energy was stored to the carbon nanotubes, in which surface areas modified by alumina addiction was investigated. As a result, it is seen that alumina doped multi-walled carbon nanotubes will be useful in the field of hydrogen storage and can be used efficiently in this area. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Songül Kaskun Muhammet Kayfec

115 93
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Investigation of the effect of optimum insulation thickness on energy consumption and emissions: A case study for Ankara

In this study, the optimum insulation thickness, total cost, energy saving, payback period and the environmental pollution resulting from fuel consumption for heating purposes were investigated as a case study for Ankara. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam, expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam and rock wool as insulation material, natural gas and coal as fuel, sandwich and externally insulated walls as wall construction types were chosen for said purpose. Life cost analysis and degree hour method was used for heating cost and optimum insulation thickness calculations, respectively. In addition, considering the work done for the province of Ankara by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in 1998, some calculations and evaluations were made for the fuels used for heating purposes and their quantities. A realistic analysis was made on this side; economic and emission reduction benefits of building exterior wall insulation are shown in graphs, and the amount of emissions per capita and their reductions are proportional. Bu çalışmada, Ankara’da farklı duvar bileşenlerinin optimum yalıtım kalınlığı, toplam maliyet, enerji tasarrufu, geri ödeme süresi ve dış duvar konstrüksiyonunun ısıtma amaçlı yakıt tüketimi sonucu oluşan çevre kirliliğine etkisi incelenmiştir. Yalıtım malzemesi olarak sıkıştırılmış polistren köpük (XPS), genleştirilmiş polistren köpük (EPS) ve taş yünü, yakıt olarak doğal gaz ve kömür, duvar konstrüksiyonu olarak sandviç duvar ve dıştan yalıtımlı duvar tipleri seçilmiştir. Isıtma maliyeti hesabında ömür maliyet analiz yöntemi, optimum yalıtım kalınlığı hesabında ise derece saat yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 1998 yılında Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı tarafından İstanbul ili için yapılan çalışmayı dikkate alarak ısıtma amaçları ve miktarları için kullanılan yakıtlar için bazı hesaplamalar ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bu sayede gerçekçi bir analiz yapılmış; bina dış duvar yalıtımının ekonomik ve emisyon azatlımı faydaları grafiklerle gösterilmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Onur Vahip Güler Ali Dasdemir Mustafa Erturk Ali Kecebas

138 117
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Investigation of The Emissions Behavior of A 330 MWth Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser Burning Different Lignites

Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers (CFBB) provide the most suitable combustion system for efficient and clean burning and gasification of low quality lignite. In this study, the CO, CO2, H2O, SO2 and NOx emissions distribution in the furnace were investigated by burning four different types of coal in a ÇAN TS furnace geometry under specified boundary conditions. A CPFD(Computational Particle Fluid Dynamics)method was used for the numerical analyzes in this study. A MP-PIC (Multiphase-Particle in Cell) method was used to solve gas-solid multiphase flows in the numerical analyzes. An EMMS-YANG 2004 drag model, a SIMPLE solution algorithm, a Particle Donor Cell Differencing discretization method and the LES turbulence method were also used in the numerical analyzes. Time steps for the numerical analyzes were taken every 5 s,and the analyzes were performed over 200 seconds. The numerical models were verified by ÇAN TS experimental results. The NOx emission, SO2 emission, CO2 molar ratio, CO molar ratio, H2O molar ratio and O2 molar ratio distributions in the CFBB combustion chamber were compared for four different lignites. For the lignites burnt under the specified boundary conditions, the highest average CO2 molar rate at the furnace exit was found when analyzing the burning of Çan lignite, the highest average CO molar rate at the furnace exit was found when burning Beypazarı lignite, the highest average NOx emissions in the furnace exit was found when burning GLİ- Tunçbilek lignite, the highest average SO2 emission rates at the furnace exit were seen when burning Ilgın lignite International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Osman İPEK Barış GÜREL Mehmet KAN

136 77
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Isıtma ve Soğutma Yüklerindeki Değişimin Uzun Dönemli Tahmini: Karabük Örneği

Bu çalışmada uzun dönemli sıcaklık dağılımı Karabuk ili için analiz edilmiştir. Dış sıcaklık dağılımına bağlı olarak ısıtma ve soğutma derece-saat değerlerindeki trend belirlenmiştir. Isıtma derece saat değerlerinde azalma olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bunun tam tersine soğutma derece saat değerlerinde arttığı belirlenmiştir. Konuyla ilgili detaylı analiz sonuçları ve grafikler çalışmada sunulmuştur. Analiz sonuçları Karabuk ili için soğutma enerji gereksiniminin artış göstereceğini ortaya koymuştur. Anahtar Kelimelers— Dış Sıcaklık Dağılımı, Isıtma Derece-Saat, Soğutma Derece-Saat, Karabük In this study, long-term temperature distribution has been analysed for Karabük province. The trend in the heating and cooling degree-hour valves defending on the distribution of outside temperatures was determined. A decrease was observed in the heating degree-hour valves. On the other hand, it was determined that there had been an increase in the cooling degreehour valves. Detailed analysis results and graphs. Relevant to the topic are presented in this study. The analysis results revealed that there would be an increase in cooling energy need for Karabuk province International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Can Coskun Mustafa Erturk Kenan Balcı Zuhal Oktay

146 162
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste in Dakahlia – Egypt

The management of municipal solid waste is a very important issue especially in the developing countries where there is lake of environmental awareness. To determine the most feasible municipal solid waste management system, a comparison between two simple alternatives was performed for the MSW of the Governorate of Dakahlia in Egypt. Data were collected about the generation of solid waste in Egyptian cities from literature and from plants in Mansoura City and Talkha city. Eco-Indicator as a tool and methodology of Life cycle assessment to indicate the environmental impact was performed. The results showed that applying separation process and recycling the 20% separated material is more environmentally benign. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Rami S. El-Emam Hasan OZCAN

144 149
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Microwave Pyrolysis and Gasification of Coal and Biomass in Molten Salt Reactor

In molten salt reactor, where the average concentration of solids amounts to 0.2- 0.3 t/m3, i.e. the conditions for residence time are long enough for the thermal combustion of biomass waste and coal and extensive gas mixing with 70-80% excess air so enhancing biomass combustion and heat transfers to the boilers. It is necessary to create conditions of internal circulation without the transported coal and waste in molten salt reactor and boiler, 90-95% combustion yield were observed at the end of combustion. Total heat values of biowastes were of approximately 17.8 kJ/ kg for corn stalk and 16.2 kJ/ kg for forest wood waste for molten salt gasification. There are various objectives to make the necessary arrangements to increase the use of biomass and solar energy as the other device. Considering the known biomass area of the potential high forest fields in northern Anatolia and located in central and eastern Anatolia it is seen as having low to medium heat resources. As we have seen in our country there is a significant potential for biomass resources will be invested. The low heat waste will be great source for waste heat and in comparison the electricity production may reach on 60-70 % thermal performances by co gasification. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Yıldırım İ. Tosun

111 127
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Mikrokanal İçerisine Yerleştirilmiş Kanatçıkların Akış ve Isı Geçişine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

Bu çalışmada dikdörtgen kesite sahip tek bir mikrokanal içerisine, farklı yerleşim düzenlerinde konulmuş dikdörtgen kanatçıkların akış ve ısı geçişine etkisi sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Ticari bir yazılım olan Ansys Fluent 17.2 kullanılarak hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (HAD) analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada iş akışkanı olarak su seçilmiş, HAD analizleri Reynolds sayısının 300 ila 2000 olduğu aralıkta yapılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, basınç düşümünün ve Nusselt sayısının kanal içine yerleştirilen kanatçıklar ile arttığını göstermiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Nezaket PARLAK Halime Çelik

130 74
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Module Integrated Converter Based MPPT Application

This paper presents a modified global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) algorithm which may be suitable in module integrated converters (MICs) used in distributed MPPT (DMPPT) system. Algorithm developed for this type of system uses basic voltage - current (V-I) and voltage - power (VP) characteristic features of photovoltaic (PV) modules. It employs the relationship between maximum power voltage and open circuit voltage of a PV module and number of bypass diodes included in a module. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, single ended primary inductance converter (SEPIC) is designed. Simulative and experimental results show that GMPPT is realized for all shading conditions with small convergence time owing to the searching of large duty range. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mustafa Engin Başoğlu Bekir Çakır

117 110
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Nanoparticle Enhanced Ionic Liquids Thermophysical Properties Variation And The Benefits Of Their Development

Ionanofluids are a very new class of heat transfer fluids with multiple applications in many area and especially in the solar area. Ionic liquids (ILs) are the organic salts having a low melting point (below 100 °C), which are already considered as a potential new heat transfer fluid in the solar thermal collector and potential replacement of several organic solvents in chemical industry for reaction and separation systems. The increasing interests of ILs are due to their excellent physical and chemical properties. It has to be pointed out in this stage that Ionanofluids are mostly developed for use in the medium-to-high-temperature heat transfer systems, different from the nanofluids based on water and ethylene glycol that are to be considered at lower temperatures. Moreover, the thermophysical properties of ILs can be enhanced by inserting and dispersing small percentages of nanoparticles, which is called Nanoparticle Enhanced Ionic Liquids (NEILs) or, shortly, ionanofluids. Results on temperature and concentration dependence of thermal conductivity and viscosity of various ionanofluids obtained from different groups together with the data of water based nanofluids from literature are to be presented and discussed in this paper, outlining the benefits and drawbacks. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

M. Chereches I.E. Dinu A.A.Minea

129 118
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Nuclear Energy Paradigm and Reaction of the World

Energy consumption in daily life is showing an increasing rate of curve. Governments tries the new alternatives to solve the energy problem to ensure the sustainability of the development of their countries. In this respect, nuclear is seeing an exciting alternative if they make sure their citizens about the reliability of the nuclear plants. Today, 449 nuclear power plant operating in the world and 60 new reactors is constructing in 15 countries. Against the misfortunate accidents, there is a consensus about the nuclear is the safest energy. This paper assesses the current and future status of nuclear energy. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Selcuk Selimli

150 124
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Numerical and Experimental Comparison of Thermal Behaviors and Performances of The Monoblock Heat Exchanger Produced By Laser Sintering Method and Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger

Laser sintering technology(LST), which has been widely used recently, is a very important method to produce precise and qualified parts which cannot be manufactured with conventional methods. In this paper, the thermal behaviors and heat transfer performances of brazed plate heat exchanger (BPHE) and monoblock heat exchanger (MBHE) produced by laser sintering method from the AISI 316 stainless steel powder are numerically analyzed and experimentally investigated in an experiment setup. In analyzes, the inlet temperatures and mass flow rates of the hot and cold water are , and , , respectively . According to analysis results; outlet temperatures of cold and hot fluids circulated in MBHE are , respectively, while that in BPHE are and . According to experimental results, outlet temperatures of cold and hot fluids in MBHE were measured as , , respectively. As results of numerical and experimental analysis, heat transfer performance of the MBHE is 47.7% higher than BPHE, while its volume is 44.39% less. By comparing the results obtained from numerical and experimental analysis, it is observed that the results are consistent with each other International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mehmet KAN Osman İPEK Barış GÜREL

116 101
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Numerical Investigation of the Flow Characteristics Between the Finned Plates

The heat transfer characteristics are significantly affected at the points where the flow separation and the reattachment regions are observed inside the ducts. Heat transfer is enhanced by placing the blockages such as the fins, the turbulators to trigger the flow separation between the parallel plates. The fins placed between the horizontal parallel plates, cause the rotational flows in front of the fins and the flow separation by interrupting both thermal and hydrodynamic development lengths. Furthermore, these fins are very effective as an extended surface area element for the heat transfer enhancement. However, the fins increase the required pumping power in the meantime owing to the ascending pressure loss in such systems. This aforementioned method is based on the production of the secondary flows and the fluctuations due to the fins and used for the heat exchangers, the solar collectors, the cooling of electronic devices. In this study, the effect of the rectangular cross-sectional fins on the flow characteristics has been numerically investigated via two-dimensional analyses of k- ω Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model. The fins with constant dimensions have been mounted on the internal surfaces of the bottom and the top plates, periodically and symmetrically. The flow characteristics have been presented by comparing at the values of Reynolds numbers as 10000, 15000 and 20000. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Ilker Goktepeli Ulas Atmaca

135 85
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Numerical Investigation of the Performance of Solar Air Heater

Using the power of the sun is becoming more and more popular to generate the heat besides needing electricity. Solar air heating systems which are used for supplemental heating are extremely effective and most economical way of the building heating. In addition, solar air heating systems are important in view of CO2 reduction strategies since these systems decreases the greenhouse gas emissions as a result of reducing the using of fossil-based sources. The performances of these systems are depending on their designs and operating parameters. In the presented paper, three different types of solar air heaters were designed and analyzed in the thermally by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The solar radiation values were given by the Solar Load module in the ANSYS Fluent programme. Mesh independence was taken into account in numerical solutions. The results of three different designs were thermally interpreted and the yield values of the designs were compared. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Gamze Genç Barış Karakaya A. GUNES

126 111
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Numerical Investigation on Laminar Forced Convection of Various Nanofluids Flow in Sudden Expansion Channels under Constant Heat Flux

In the present work, forced convection heat transfer were investigated numerically for the fully developed fluid flow of incompressible viscous laminar flow (Re=50-500) under the constant wall heat flux in sudden expansion channels. Various fluids were used with different concentration of nanoparticle such as TiO2, ZnO and SiO2. These nanoparticles were dispersed with the range of 0.5-2% volume concentrations in pure water to form stable suspensions of nanofluids. The flow assumed to be uniform in the channel inlet and numerical computations were performed for the fully developed laminar flow conditions. ANSYS Fluent15.0 code, commercially available software based on finite volume approach was used to calculate the governing continuity, momentum and energy equations. Obtained results from numerical study was plotted graphically and discussed in detail. Effect of nanoparticle volume fraction and Reynolds number on the convective heat transfer, Nusselt number, pressure drop and Darcy friction factor were determined. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Gedik Cuneyt Uysal Ozan Gülser Hüseyin Kurt

144 143
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Numerical Investigations on Optimal Tip Speed Ratio of Wind Turbines Using BEM and CFD

An optimum Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) geometry can be generated by comparing the power efficiency of different Tip Speed Ratios (TSR). The properties that generate the optimum geometry are sorted as choosing the right airfoil varying along the blade, blade width, twist angle and the Design Tip Speed Ratio (DTSR). The blade length and twist angle can be determined with the DTSR. The study chooses three different DTSR values 6, 7 and 8 for the investigation, since in literature, some researchers advice to choose between 5-10 and some others 6-8 [14] [15]. According to the three DTSR and chosen three standard airfoils (NACA 64-415, RISØ-A1-21, NREL S809), nine different HAWT geometries are generated. The chord length and twist angle of the nine geometries are calculated based on the Schmitz theory. For the theoretical calculation of the rotor power efficiency, an algorithm is programmed in MATLAB®, based on the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) theory. Also, the nine HAWT dimensions are integrated to a Computer Aided Design (CAD) code for the numerical calculation of the power efficiency by ANSYS® Fluent Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) computer package simulation program based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The results found in both BEM and CFD are interpreted. How to determine the right geometry dimensions that generate the highest power efficiency is presented International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mehmet Bakirci Sezayi Yilmaz

138 373
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Optimization of Length of Support Rods in Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Nowadays, the ratio of the wind energy is increasing over time in terms of energy requirement. Therefore, a lot of studies have been conducted to improve the performance of wind turbines with different designs for wind turbines. Analyzes of the blade designs are investigated by using numerical programs. In this study, the length of support rods in a vertical axis wind turbine was changed and investigated numerically how the length of the support rods affected the moment coefficient. The blade profile used in the vertical axis wind turbine is NACA 4412 and the number of blades is 3. 120 rpm angular velocity is defined for the turbine and input velocity is 7 m/s in x-direction. According to the results, it was seen that the moment coefficient was the highest when the length of the support rods was 0.4 m. Moreover, there was no linear relationship with between the length of the support point and the aerodynamic performance of the turbine. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

M.S. Genç H. Demir Özkan Ramazan H.Hacı Açıkel Burak Karakaya

129 124
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Optimum Tilt Angle for Fixed Solar Systems in Uşak of Turkey

One of the important parameters that affect the performance of a fixed solar system is its tilt angle with the horizontal. The variation of tilt angle changes the amount of solar radiation falling the fixed solar system surface. In this study, the optimum tilt angle for a fixed solar system and the total solar radiation on a tilted surface in Uşak of Turkey is determined. Total solar radiation on the fixed solar system surface with an optimum tilt angle is computed for specific periods (monthly, seasonal, and yearly). The loss in the amount of collected energy when using the yearly average fixed angle is compared with the monthly and seasonal optimum tilt angles. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Abdullah Yıldız

108 327
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Organik Rankine Çevriminde Gaz Karışımlarının Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Bu çalışmada, ORÇ prensibine göre çalışan bir sistemin tasarımı ve imalatı yapılarak güç üretimi elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sistemde R134a, R134a-propan karışımı, R22, R22- propan karışımı, R22 ve mix (bütan, isobütan, propylene,) akışkanlarını kullanarak deneysel çalışma yapılmış sistemin performansı ve verim analizleri elde edilmiştir. R22-mix karışım akışkanının verimi kullanılan diğer akışkanlardan daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. R22-propan karışım akışkanı ile yapılan deneyde daha yüksek net iş elde edilmiştir. In this study, a system working according to the ORC principle was designed and manufactured to obtain power production. Performance and efficiency analyzes of the system have been carried out using the R134a, R134a-propane mixture, R22, R22-propane mixture, R22 and mix (butane, isobutane, propylene) fluids in the system. The efficiency of R22-mix fluid was be higher than the other fluids. Also higher net work was obtained with R22-propane mixtures. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Alper ERGÜN Mehmet KALE

116 618
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Performance Analysis of Half-Effect Absorption Chillers Powered by Low Temperature Solar Energy

Absorption cooling systems are more environment friendly, capable of utilizing low grade heat. By consuming very small electric power, the half-effect absorption chillers can be driven by low temperature solar energy. The half-effect absorption cooling system contains five temperature levels and three pressure levels. For a given set of generators, evaporator, condenser and absorbers temperatures, the intermediate pressure (Pi) must be optimized to get a maximum coefficient of performance ‘COP’ and exergy efficiency of the system. The energy and exergy analysis is carried out for each component of the half-effect absorption cooling system. All exergy flows within the system are calculated. The flow rate ratio, the coefficient of performance and the exergy efficiency of the system are estimated. The effect of generator temperature, absorber temperature and condenser temperature are analyzed for a commonly used chilled water temperature (12°C/7°C). New analytical expression of the intermediate pressure is developed. The derived correlation can help the researchers to predict the values of the intermediate pressure of the half-effect absorption cooling system before carrying out their experiments International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Rabah Gomri Khellaf Nabil

114 173
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Performance Analysis of Wind Speed Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network for Several Simulation Programs

Investment in renewable energy sources, an alternative to reducing the use of fossil resources, is rapidly increasing worldwide. Wind energy is one of the most used and popular sources of green energy. Wind speed for investment in a profitable wind power plant; area selection, system performance and planning are important. Several methods such as statistical, artificial neural network and fuzzy logic are used for predicting wind speed. In this study, wind speed estimation in MATLAB and NeuroSolutions programs was made by artificial neural network (ANN) method using 10-minute intervals wind data from Ondokuz Mayıs University location and the results were compared. The purposed wind speed prediction system uses 3 climate data which are temperature, humidity and pressure of the place as input data. The output is hourly wind speed prediction. The results of both programs are compared each other via RMSE and MSE International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Kübra Nur Akpınar

140 142
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Perspective View to the Trend of Global Warming in the World

Global warming means the increase of seasonal average temperature of the earth surface and the atmosphere. The main reason of this case is determined as the manipulation of the atmosphere. There are lots of parameter promotes the global warming. Global growth of the industry and the population could be assessed as the reason of the polynomial increase in air pollutants and so manipulation of the atmosphere. In this paper, global warming evaluated due to the main disruptors and current prevention efforts against them. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Selcuk Selimli

144 115
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 PI Controlled LLC Resonant Converter

The DC voltage obtained by using MPPT from solar panels in PV systems varies continuously depending on the radiation and temperature. However, in different applications using these systems, a constant voltage is desired to supply the load. In this study, LLC resonant converter is used to convert DC voltage obtained from the output of MPPT to the constant output voltage value. The reason for preference of the converter is that in a wide input voltage range and at high switching frequencies, the switches on the primary and secondary side can operate in the ZVS and ZCS conditions respectively. Thus, the switching losses, which are the result of the conventional PWM technique at high switching frequencies, are reduced and the power density is increased. The voltage values varying between 40 and 60 V are applied to the input of the converter simulated in PSIM and the output is fixed at 25 V. The control of the converter is performed by changing the switching frequency in the range of 90-106 kHz with PI controller constituted by using simplified c block. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Salih Nacar Selim ÖNCÜ

159 1223
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Pompalı Sistemlerde Enerji Tasarruf Potansiyelleri

According to the Hydraulic Institute data, about 20% of the electricity generated in the world is used by pump systems. This figure is a very impressive proof that fluid transport is important and must be done consciously. Considering the lifetime cost of a pump, it can be seen that the operating costs can be up to 20 times higher than the procurement costs. With a good system design and appropriate pump selection, it is possible to save up to 30% of the energy consumed by the pumps. In this study; energy saving potentials that can be applied in pumping systems have been examined and some suggestions have been put forward for pumping systems in Turkey. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


111 287
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Potential Benefit of Combining Heat Pump System with Solar Thermal in Different Places

In this work, the combination of solar thermal systems with heat pumps has been numerically analyzed via POLYSUN simulation program. Heating systems are compared according to heat pump only reference solution. Potential benefit of combining heating system with solar collector are investigated for different collector areas as 4 m2, 8 m2, 12 m2, 16 m2, 20 m2 and 40 m2. The relative increases of seasonal performance factors (SPF) and fractional electricity savings are found for six various collector areas. Hot water demand of houses is assumed to be the same in seven cities. Cities are Ankara, Edirne, Erzurum, İzmir, Muğla, Mardin and Rize which are chosen from Central Anatolia, Marmara, Eastern Anatolia, Aegean, Southeastern Anatolia and Black Sea Regions. Another parameter is taken into account in simulations is the energy level of the houses. Houses have been tested for three different energy level such as normal, low and passive energy building. Results presented in this work show that the relative increases of SPF and fractional electricity savings for seven cities, three energy level building and six various collector areas. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Tolga Ural Gülşah Karaca

134 97
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Pressurized Gasification of Coal with Maize Slush and Waste Cardboard, Wood in Modified Auger

In auger pressurized reactor, where the average concentration of solids amounts to 0.2- 0.3 t/m3.and the conditions for residence time were sufficient and long enough for the thermal combustion of biomass waste and coal with extensive gas mixing with 60-65% excess air. Even the enhanced biomass combustion and heat transfers were managed into the pyrolysis and gasification. It was necessary to create conditions of internal circulation without the transported coal and waste in pressurized reactor, over 95% combustion yield were observed at the gasification. Total heat values of biowastes were of approximately 17.8 kJ/ kg for corn stalk and 16.2 kJ/ kg for forest wood waste in auger gasification. There are various objectives to make the necessary arrangements to increase the use of biomass and solar energy as the other device. Considering the known biomass area of the potential high forest fields in northern Anatolia and located in central and eastern Anatolia it is seen as having low to medium heat resources. As we have seen in our country there is a significant potential for biomass resources will be invested. The low pressure caused great source for high mass transfer and conduction heat in comparison with the atmospheric gas production. Auger with pressurrized chamber provided thermal performances of 80-90 % by co gasification. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Yıldırım İ. Tosun

110 130
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Recent developments in photovoltaic electricity in Turkey and a site dependent analysis

Turkey's electricity demand increases continuously due to the population growth and industrial development. For this reason, diversification of energy sources becomes an important requirement for Turkey, in order to provide security of energy supply and reliable and continuous energy. In this context, many changes have been made in electricity market and usage of renewable energy sources in electricity generation has been encouraged with many incentives in Turkey. It can be said that there is almost no barrier for investors in photovoltaic (PV) electricity. In this study, the latest status of PV electricity of Turkey and recent developments in renewable energy incentives are evaluated. Besides that, energy performance of a three phase grid-connected PV power system is evaluated by some commonly known indicators such as performance ratio, specific energy and yearly solar electricity etc. for technical feasibility of PV system. Besides that performance comparison of three different solar modules are made under İzmit, Kocaeli weather conditions. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mustafa Engin Başoğlu Bekir Çakır

139 125
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Rüzgar Türbini Kanatlarında Türbülatör Kullanımının Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği İle Analizi

Rüzgar türbinlerinde ve aerodinamik kuvvetlerle çalışan alanlarda kullanılmak üzere standart kanat kesitleri geliştirilmiş olup çeşitli alanlar ve amaçlar için istenilen özelliğe sahip yeni kanat kesitlerine olan ihtiyaç devam etmektedir. Rüzgar türbinlerinden, belirli rüzgar hızlarında sahip oldukları kaldırma kuvvetine göre elde edilen güç bellidir. Sahip olduğumuz kanat profili yapısında belirli değişiklikler yapılarak aynı rüzgar hızlarında hatta daha düşük rüzgar hızlarında daha fazla güç elde edilmesi mümkündür. Böylece rüzgar türbinlerinin daha verimli olabilmesi için mevcut taşıma kuvvetinden daha fazla taşıma kuvveti elde edilmesi ve mevcut sürükleme kuvvetinden ise daha az sürükleme kuvveti elde edilmesi gerekir. Kord uzunluğu 1m olan ve kök - uç arası mesafenin 5m olduğu kanat modelinin 3 boyutlu tasarımı yapılmıştır. Tasarımı yapılan kanat üst yüzeyini kord uzunluğu boyunca kanat boyuna 90 derece, 30 derece, 45 derece ve 60 derecelik açılar ile yerleştirilen türbülatörlerin etkisi hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği programları kullanılarak analiz edilmesi sağlanmıştır. Aerodinamik analiz yapılırken sadece tamamen türbülanslı akışlar için geçerli olan k-epsilon modeli kullanılmıştır. ANSYS / Fluent programında 15m/s hızdaki basınç ve hız dağılımları incelenmiştir. Work with wind turbines and aerodynamic force field developed the standard wing sections for use in a variety of fields and is not intended to have the desired functionality as their needs new wing section. The power obtained from the wind turbines according to the lifting force they have at certain wind speeds is certain. We have made certain changes in the structure of the wing profile is the same wind speeds even lower wind speeds, it is possible to get more power. Thus, in order to have more efficient wind turbines more than the existing transport force moving power from the drag force available and is less drag force must be obtained. Cord length 1 m distance between the and root-end 3D design of the model of the wing is made of 5 m. The upper surface of the wings made the design of the cord along the length of the wing longitudinal 90 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees and 60 degree angles placed with swirl-effect analysis using computational fluid dynamics programs. Aerodynamic analysis is valid for only fully turbulent flows when k-epsilon model. ANSYS/Fluent program of 15 m/s velocity distributions of the pressure and speed. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


145 181
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Silindirik Metot Yöntemiyle Fuzel Yağının Isı İletim Katsayısının Belirlenmesi

Bu çalışmada; eş merkezli silindirik metoda göre fuzel yağının ısı iletim katsayısını belirlemek için deneyler yapılmıştır. Cihazın doğruluğunu test etmek için ilk olarak cihaz ısıtıcı gücü 28 W, 45 W, 64 W, 88 W ve 115 W değerlerinde ısı iletim katsayısı bilinen saf su ile deneyler yapılmıştır. Deney setinde soğutma suyu debisi 20 g/s, 25 g/s ve 30 g/s debilerde saf suyun ısı iletim katsayısına etkisi gözlemlenmiştir. Yapılan deneylerin sonucunda, soğutma suyu debisinin 30 g/s’den küçük olması durumunda ısı iletim katsayısının gerçek değerinden daha düşük çıktığı gözlemlenmiştir. Tasarımı ve imalatı yapılan deney setinin doğruluğu 30 g/s soğutucu debisinde elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra Fuzel yağı ile soğutucu akışkan debisi 30 g/s’de ve deney setinin ısıtıcı gücü saf su ile yapılan deneylerde olduğu gibi 28 W – 115 W arasındaki güç değerleri ile deneyler tekrarlanmıştır. Deney sonuçlarına göre ısı iletim katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Saf su ve Fuzel yağının ısı iletim katsayıları karşılaştırılmış ve Fuzel yağının ısı iletim katsayısının, literatürdeki saf su ısı iletim katsayısına göre 24 – 29 % daha yüksek olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

H. İbrahim VARİYENLİ Mustafa Bahadır Özdemir1

123 218
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Sustainability Evaluation of Solar Based Hydrogen Production Methods

Hydrogen production plays a very important role in the development of hydrogen economy. Hydrogen gas production through solar energy which is abundant, clean and renewable is one of the promising hydrogen production approaches. This study overviews the available technologies for hydrogen production by using solar energy as main source. Photochemical, electrochemical and thermochemical processes for producing hydrogen with solar energy are analyzed from thermodynamic, environmental, and economic points of view. It is concluded that developments of improved processes for hydrogen production via solar resource are likely to continue in order to reach competitive hydrogen production costs. Hybrid thermochemical processes where hydrocarbons are exclusively used as chemical reactants for the production of syngas and the concentrated solar radiation is used as a heat source represent one of the most promising alternatives: they combine conventional and renewable energy representing a proper transition towards a solar hydrogen economy International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Canan Acar

106 145
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Tek Silindirli Bir Dizel Jeneratörde Dizel/LPG Çift Yakıtının Performans ve Emisyonlara Etkisi

Due to the rapidly growing human population in the world, the use of many underground diesel engines such as transportation, energy production, heavy industrial machinery also showed a rapid increase. Due to the widespread use of diesel engines, increasing performance and reducing harmful emissions while lowering fuel consumption are at the forefront of research into these engines. Due to the increase in environmental awareness around the world, both fossil fuels and fuel systems are being investigated for diesel engines. The main fuel used in diesel engines is diesel fuel. Diesel fuel from the secondary energy source class is also called motor. In diesel engines, many liquid or gaseous fuels are used as alternative fuels. They are alternative gas fuels used in hydrogen, natural gas, LPG, DME and biogas diesel engines. The fuels that are currently the easiest to find and access in this class of fuel are LPG and natural gas. In this study, the effect of diesel / LPG dual fuel on engine performance and emissions was investigated experimentally. The tests were carried out at constant engine speed and five different engine loads. Experimental results show that there has been some increase in NOx emissions from reductions in CO and HC emissions to diesel fuel. It was observed that there has been improvement in specific fuel consumption, specific energy cost and effective efficiency.This document presents the formatting instructions for the Proceedings of the International Conference of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (ICESE). This document can serve as the base template for a Microsoft Word based typesetting system. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Ahmet Irgin Mustafa Aydin M.B. Çelik

148 162
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Teknoloji Fakültesi, Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği ve MTOK Üzerine

Bu çalışmada, hibrit mühendislik bölümlerinden biri olan, Türkiye'deki üniversiteler bünyesinde 2006 yılından itibaren açılmaya başlanan, Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Bölümü(ESMB) ve 2010 yılında eğitim kurumlarımız arasında yerini alan Teknoloji Fakültelerinin(TF) tarihsel gelişim süreci ve eğitim programlarından bahsedilmiştir. Bu fakülteler için özel kontenjan ayrılan Mesleki ve Teknik Orta Öğretim Kurumları (MTOK) öğrencileri ve bu öğrencilerin eğitim süreçleri ele alınmış, TF ve özelde ESMB öğrencilerinin genel problemleri ve çözüm önerileri değerlendirilmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Bayram Köse Ahmet Zahid Küçük Muhammed Kerim

133 124
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Termoelektrik Modüllü Küçük Ölçekli Taşinabilir İklimlendirme Cihazı Tasarımı

Bu çalışmanın amacı, yaz aylarında sıcaklıkların yükselmesinden kaynaklı olarak insanların gün içinde kliması olan ortamlardan çıktıktan sonra yani dış ortamda, spor yaparken, çalışırken veya seyahat ederken vb. vücut ısısının artmasıyla hissedilen sıcaklığı azaltmak ve serinlik hissini portatif bir şekilde yanlarında taşıyabilmelerini sağlamaktır. Bu amaç ile kolay taşınabilir iklimlendirme sistem tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiş, bilgisayar destekli akış analizi yapılarak deney düzeneği kurulmuştur. Yapılan deneysel sonuçlar ile CFD sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçların birbirleri ile uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Termoelektrik modül kullanılarak üretilen küçük ölçekli taşınabilir iklimlendirme deney setinde çevre hava ile insan tenine gönderilen hava arasında yaklaşık 7 oC’lik bir sıcaklık farkı elde edilmiştir. Bu sıcaklık farkı insan konfor şartlarını olumsuz etkilemeyecek mertebede olduğu için kabul edilebilir bulunmuştur. The purpose of this study is to reduce the temperature felt due to increased body temperature when people are doing sports outside, working or traveling during the summer, and to carry the coolness sensation with them in a portable manner. For this purpose, an easy portable climate system design has been realized, a computer aided flow analysis has been carried out and an experimental setup has been established. The experimental results and the CFD results were compared and the results were found to be compatible with each other. In the small-scale portable air-conditioning experiment set produced using the thermoelectric module, a temperature difference of about 7 °C was obtained between ambient air and air sent to human skin. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

G. Gurlek K.S. Onat

126 120
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Termoelektrikli Soğutma ve Isıtma Sisteminin Mini Sera Ortaminda Kullanılarak Safran Çiçeği Yetiştirilmesi

In this study, thermoelectric cooling system was designed to use in small scale greenhouse environment. Saffron onions were placed in small scale greenhouse with 52x42x28 cm dimensions that was filled with soil. The control of heatingcooling system was achived using PIC system which had 6 pieces 12V – 1 A thermoelectricy Peltiers located the bottom surface of the greenhouse. In designed system, temperature of the contacted surface between Peltiers and soil was kept as constant between 13,5°C and 14°C through 47 days. Later, the temperature of this surface was increased to 19 °C by means of rectifying the peltiers current directions. As a result, the saffron onions were bloowing by this approach that was consist of cooling during 47 days and heating during 30 days. Besides, the second bloowing process was achived within 77 days Yapılan çalışmada, termoelektrikli ısıtma soğutma sisteminin mini sera ortamında kullanılabilmesi için tasarım yapılmıştır. Bu tasarımda 52x42x28 cm ebatlarında toprakla doldurulmuş mini bir sera içerisine yerleştirilen safran bitkisi soğanlarının, seranın alt yüzeyine yerleştirilen toplam 6 adet 12V, 1A termoelektrik peltierler tarafından pic sistemi ile ısıtma ve soğutma kontrolü gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sistemde peltierlerin toprakla temas eden yüzeylerinin 47 gün süresince 13,5°C ile 14°C arasında tutularak toprağın soğuk kalması sağlanmış daha sonra peltierlerin akım yönü ters çevrilerek toprakla temas eden bu yüzeylerin 19°C çıkarılıp toprağın ısınması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan bu deney neticede yılda bir kez açan ve altın değerinde olan safran çiçeği soğanlarının şaşırtılarak, 47 gün soğutulup sonra 30 gün ısıtılması ile çiçek açması sağlanmış ve toplam 77 günde ikinci çiçeklerini vermesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Bahadır ACAR

117 132
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 The Deformation Analysis of H3PO4 Doped PBI Based Membrane Electrode Assemblies

This study aims to investigate the suitability and Abstract— Demand for clean, renewable and safe energy technologies is increasing gradually with increasing energy needs in the world. One of these technologies, fuel cells, attract a great attention due to their high power density and scalability, furthermore they only release water vapour as product. Generating high power density at high temperatures (100°C- 180°C) with phosphoric acid doping, polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane based proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells have been used for stationary and portable systems. In this study, membrane electrode assemblies (MEA) were fabricated by doping the PBI membrane with different acid doping levels ( 4.53, 4.95, 5.51 H3PO4 / RPU PBI) in the laboratory environment. Each MEA was connected to test cell and run for 24 hours at a temperature ranging from 120°C to 160°C with steps of 10°C and 5% to 20% relative humidity levels with steps of 5%. The effect of phosphoric acid doping, compression pressure, operating temperature and time on deformations in the structure of MEAs by were analysed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). It was observed that MEA structure was less brittle as phosphoric acid doping increases International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mert TAŞ Murat ÇELİK Gülşah ELDEN

137 120
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 The Effects of Different Amplitude Sinusoidal Corrugated Strip Elements on Heat Transfer in Pipes

In this study, the effect of the Reynolds numbers for different sinusoidal decoupled strip elements placed separately from the pipe in turbulent flow on heat transfer was investigated experimentally. Experiments were carried out under forced convection and constant heat flux conditions. Corrugated strip elements were positioned axially to the pipe center, which draws a sinusoid used as a turbulator. Experiments were repeated for three different amplitudes of sinusoidal strip elements with D/2 width, 3D/16 , D/4, D/8. Experiments showed that although the strip elements enhanced heat transfer at different rates. As a result, it was seen that heat transfer ratio i.e. Nusselt number increased as the amplitude value increased. While this rate is 55% in D/8 amplitude, it was about 75% in 3D/16 and 105% in D/4. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

A.Hakan Altun M.Gurdal A.Berber

132 227
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Thermal Performance of an Evacuated U-Tube Solar Collector Using TiO2/EG-Water Nanofluid

In this study the effect of nanofluids on collector performance was numerically investigated when using as working fluids in solar collectors which are commonly used in solar energy applications. Nanofluids are produced by adding nanoparticles to a base fluid as known. Thermophysical properties of base fluids change. The most important property of nanofluids is thermal conductivity enhancement. In this study ethylene glycol – water mixture was used as a base fluid which is especially used as cold climates for reducing freezing point. The reasons for this are expanding the range of working temperature and preventing the flow from higher density and viscosity of ethylene glycol at the same time. TiO2/EG-Pure Water nanofluids were used as working fluids in an evacuated U-tube solar collector at 1.0 – 4.0% volumetric concentrations with 30- 70% EG-PW base fluid for determining the effect of nanofluids on collector thermal efficiency. An evacuated tube solar collector with copper U-tube was modeled in FLUENT 17.0 and thermal efficiency of it was calculated by solving of flow field of the collector. 18.1% enhancement was obtained as maximum in thermal efficiency when using nanofluid as a working fluid. It was determined that the flow rate of the fluid was a significant parameter on thermal efficiency of the solar collector. The highest collector efficiency was obtained at 4.0% nanoparticle volume concentration and ṁ=0.045 kg/s. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Hüseyin Kaya Kamil ARSLAN

138 120
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Thermoeconomic Optimization of an Air-Cooling Plant Using Various Evolutionary Algorithms

Corresponding author E-mail: Abstract— This study aims to investigate the suitability and fidelity of three optimization metaheuristics applied to a simple thermal system costing problem and to discuss their generic comparison by taking into account the cost assessment of an air- cooling unit. Undertaken thermodynamic plant consists of an air chiller plant, which requires additional heat reservoir to keep the air temperature at a desired level. The temperature level of this reservoir is kept constant by using a cooling tower. A pre-cooler is also introduced as a black-box mathematical model for enhanced chiller performance. Three stochastic population-based metaheuristics, namely particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE) and backtracking search algorithm (BSA), are applied for many case studies throughout the studied system and the results are validated with Lagrange multipliers method (LM) as the only direct search algorithm. Optimization results suggest that a successful optimum cost is easily achievable by using each algorithm with a trade-off. While BSA provides a useful amount of minimum costs for all considered cases by reporting the best system parameters selection, PSO and DE algorithms perform faster to reach the optimal value at the specified solution space with a requirement of suitable . initialization International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Hasan OZCAN Leandro dos Santos COELHO Mehmet Özdemir

122 87
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 TiO2 Nanoakışkanının Paralel Akışlı Borulu Tip Isı Değiştiricilerde Isıl İletkenliğe Etkisi

Bu çalışmada, TiO2 nanoakışkanı kullanarak paralel akışlı iç içe borulu eş merkezli ısı değiştiricide ısıl iletkenliğin arttırılması amaçlanmıştır. Deney düzeneğinde saf suyun içerisine %2 (kütle/ kütle) derişimi sağlanacak şekilde süspanse edilen ortalama 44 nm boyutunda %97 saflıkta TiO2 nanopartikülü kullanılmıştır. Isı değiştiricide sıcak akışkan olarak TiO2-saf su nanoakışkanı, soğuk akışkan olarak ise saf su kullanılmıştır. Isı değiştirici paralel Sonuçlar saf su-saf su akışkanları kullanılarak hesaplanan değerlere göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Nanoakışkan kullanımı sonucu paralel akışlı ısı değiştiricisinde sıcak akışkanın sahip olduğu ısı transfer katsayısında %38, soğuk akışkanın sahip olduğu ısı transfer katsayısında ise %3 iyileşme sağlanmıştır. Sistemin toplam ısı transfer katsayısı %17 artmıştır. In this study, increasing thermal performance was objected with using TiO2 nanofluids in the parallel-flow concentric, nested tube heat exchangers. At the experimental setup 44 nm size and 97% purity TiO2 nanofluids was using which is suspending at 2%(mass/mass) concentration. TiO2-pure water nanofluids used as the hot fluid and pure water used as cold fluid at the heat exchanger. Results were compared with other experiment which is making by using pure water-pure water fluids. At the parallel flow condition the heat transfer coefficient of hot nanofluid was 38% greater than pure water and heat transfer coefficient of cold fluid was 3% greater than pure water. And also total heat transfer coefficient of system was 17% greater than pure water. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Emre EROL Tayfun MENLİK Adnan Sözen

134 113
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Tunçbilek Linyitinin Döner Başlıklı Bir Kömür Yakma Sisteminde Yakılması

Bu çalışmada, yüksek oranlarda kül içeren ülkemiz linyitlerinin sabit yataklardan daha hızlı bir şekilde yakılması amacı ile, 40 kW lık döner yanma odalı bir yakma sistemi tasarlanmış ve prototip üretimi yapılmıştır. Sistemde, kömür bir sonsuz vida tarafından bunkerden sabit devirde kendi ekseni etrafında sürekli olarak döndürülen silindirik yanma odasının arkasına sürekli olarak taşınmaktadır. Hava eski sistemlerden farklı olarak, kömür yatağına başlık ekseninden radyal doğrultuda sağlanmıştır. Sistemin performansının ortaya konulması amacıyla Tunçbilek linyitinin yakılmasında, baca gazı bileşimine linyit ve hava besleme hızlarının ve ayrıca yanma verimine yanma odası eğimi ve dönme hızının da etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deneysel sonuçlar, Tunçbilek linyitinin böyle bir sistemde oldukça hızlı, verimli, pratik ve düşük atmosferik kirletici emisyon düzeyleri ile yakılabileceğini göstermiştir. In this work, a 40 kW coal combustion system with a rotary chamber, to burn our country’s lignites, which usually contain high level of ash, faster than fixed beds was designed and a prototype model was constructed. In the system, coal has been continuously carried by a screw conveyor from an hopper to the cylindrical burner head rotating continuously at a constant speed. As a difference among the previous systems, combustion air was supplied, by an axially-centred air tube carrying screw conveyor, into the air head in radial directions to the coal bed. In order to evaluate the performance of the system, the effects of feed rates of lignite and combustion air, angle of tilt and rotation speed of the burner head on the flue gas compositions and combustion efficiency were investigated. The results of the experiments showed that Tunçbilek lignite could be burned with this kind of system in fast, efficient and practical and acceptable atmospheric pollutants levels. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Cengiz ÖNER Burak TANYERİ ibrahim can Cumali İLKILIÇ

141 135
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Turkey Energy Consumption and its Effect on Climate Change

The energy demand is responsible about 80% of air pollution in Turkey. This ratio is very close to the many countries. And according to the authorities, the increasing will not stop since the economical development is lasting on. The economy is always showing parallel behavior with energy consumption. Energy is needed for heating, processing, producing, transporting, constructing and many operations. Therefore, the energy effects on climate change are unavoidable. In the country base consideration of climate change problem, energy is the main GHGs sources that affect the atmosphere and environment. Turkey has started to work on Climate Change problems after the ratification of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2004 and the ratification of Kyoto Protocol (KP) in 2009. The effect of climate change in Turkey is an important subject since being Annex I country to the protocol. Although Turkey has not any obligation for the protocol, it has to deal with emission sources and try to decrease their emission levels not only for international purposes but also for national purposes. In this study, the main aim is to consider the GHGs emission trend of Turkey’s and determine its behaviour towards to the Climate Change Problem. The atmospheric GHGs emission is increasing in Turkey. In 2020, the CO2 emission will reach 545 million tonnes. The CH4 and N2O values will be approximately 6.5 and 7.8 million tonnes CO2 equivalent values. Therefore, the future emission will increase approximately 417% compared to the 1990’s level. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Ali Can

133 140
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Turkey’s Refreshing Wind to Energy

Sustainability of the energy is the main subject of the Turkey similarly as other industrialized countries. Fossil fuels is the main source of the energy demand and it is known that world may suffer from the scarcity of fossil fuels in this century. In the worldwide, researchers in a hurry to speed up their studies on alternative energy. Wind energy is the one of the attractive alternative and currently Turkey is doing investments intensively. This paper discusses about the interest on the investment and wind energy potential of the Turkey. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Selcuk Selimli

137 111
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Türkiye’de Lif Levha (MDF) Üretiminde Elektrik Enerjisi Verimliliği

In this study, the studies that have been realized to increase the electricity energy efficiency in the production of Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) is presented and also, the effect of the technologies used in medium-density fiberboard production on the energy efficiency have been examined by comparing the data obtained from different companies in Turkey. The main energy sources used in fiberboard production are electricity, biomass and natural gas. The use of wood (biomass), which is used as a raw material in the production of fiberboard, as an energy input in production processes, makes an important contribution to increase energy efficiency. When comparing electricity energy efficiency studies in some MDF plants in Turkey, the energy-saving potential headings are; refinery capacity, fans, pumps, compressors, absorption chiller, edge cutting/surface sanding tolerances and lighting. In addition, the changes in electricity specific energy consumption of companies that have started their energy management studies have been evaluated. As a result of the studies; it has been seen that there is a saving potential as 18.75% in fan applications, 7.12% in pump applications and 3.26% in compressor applications compared to the total consumption of these applications International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Hilal Bilgin Muharrem EYİDOĞAN Fatma Çanka Kılıç Durmuş KAYA

144 141
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Tuzlu Sudan Güneş Destekli Isı Pompası ile İçme Suyu Elde Edilmesi

Tuzlu sudan içme suyu elde edilmesinde kullanılan termal yöntem sıkça uygulanan bir yöntemdir. Literatürde bu alanda güneş enerjisindan faydalanılan sistemler üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar olmakla birlikte ısı pompası destekli sistemler üzerinde çok fazla çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada tuzlu sudan güneş destekli ısı pompası ile içme suyu elde edilmesi yöntemi analatik olarak incelenmiştir. Isı pompasında R134a, R22 ve R12 gazları kullanılmış ve sistem performansına olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Tuzlu suyun kaynama noktasına getirilmesi ve buharlaştırılmasında güneş enerjisi ve ısı pompası birlikte kullanılmıştır. Tuzlu suyun kaynama sıcaklığını ısı pompasının kondenser sıcaklığının altına indirmek için basıncı 10 kPa’a düşürülmüştür. Sistemde ısı pompasının kondenseri ve evaporatörü ısı değiştirici görevi görmektedir. 20 °C olarak ısı pompasının kondenserine gelen tuzlu su, burada kaynama noktasına çıkarılarak su-buhar karışımı elde edilmiştir. Kondenserden çıkan tuzlu suya güneş enerjisi ile ısı enerjisi verilerek tuzlu suyun buharlaştırılması sağlanmıştır. Buharlaşarak tuzdan arındırılan içilebilir su buharı, ardından ısı pompasının evaporatörüne giderek burada kısmen yoğuşturulmuştur. Ardından ikinci bir kondensere girerek sıvı faza dönüştürülmüş ve bir pompa vasıtasıyla tekrar atmosfer basıncına çıkarılmıştır. Yapılan hesaplamalarda sistemde en verimli çalışan akışkanın sırasıyla R22, R12 ve R134a olduğu görülmüştür. Kompresör işinin arttırılmasıyla güneşten alınması gereken enerji miktarının azalması sağlanmıştır. Böylelikle 0,1 kg/s içilebilir su elde etmek için harcanması gereken minimum enerji miktarı 59,68 kW olarak bulunmuştur. Termal yöntemde ısı pompasının kullanılmamış olması durumunda ise aynı miktardaki içilebilir su eldesi için 249,9 kW enerji harcanması gerektiği görülmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışma ile tuzlu sudan içilebilir su elde edilirken, termal yöntemde güneş destekli ısı pompasının kullanılması, harcanması gereken enerji miktarını azalttığı sonucuna varılmıştır. fluids were used in the heat pump. Solar energy and heat pump are used together to bring salt water to the boiling point. The pressure was reduced to 10 kPa to lower the boiling temperature of the salt water below the condenser temperature of the heat pump. The condenser of the heat pump and the evaporator work as a heat exchangers. Salt water enters to the condenser of the heat pump, where its temperature reaches to the boiling point. Then, solar energy is added to salty water for completely evaporation of water from salt. Water vapor enters firstly condenser of heat pump and the second condenser of the system respectively for condensation. Calculations show that, the most efficient fluid for the system is R22. When the compressor work is increased, the need of the solar energy for the system is reduced. Thus, the minimum amount of the energy to be consumed to obtain 0.1 kg/s of drinking water was found to be 59,68 kW. If the heat pump is not used in this system, 249,9 kW of energy is to be consumed for the same amount of drinking water. Desalination of water, heat pump, solar energy, renewable energy. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


128 102
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Ultrasonik Yakıt Enjeksiyon Sistemi Kullanılan Benzinli Motorda Şehir İçi Ve Şehirlerarası Kullanım Performans Değerlendirmesi

Fuel injection system is one of the most important equipment which affect the engine performance in internal combustion engine. In available systems fuel is sended pressurized to combustion chamber, behind intake valve or intake manifold throat and fuel-air mixed is created. The most important advantages of injection systems are increase the combustion efficiency by atomizing the fuel. The atomization of the fuel is provided by high pressure. In this study, the effects of using ultrasonic atomization method as a new atomization method in internal combustion engines were investigated on the vehicle performance under road conditions. Therefore, an ultrasonic fuel injection system was designed and a four-stroke, four-cylinder, spark ignition carbureted motor was installed. The road simulation was determined on the vehicle chassis dynamometer and the fuel consumption and exhaust emission values were obtained by operating the vehicle for a certain period in urban conditions for a certain period under intercity conditions. Existing conditions have been repeated in the performance of the engine with the original fuel system. The results are converted into graphics and interpreted. As a result, it has been observed that there is a significant reduction in fuel consumption and exhaust emission values International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Burak TANYERİ Cengiz ÖNER Fatma TEBER Hüseyin SEVİNÇ

136 109
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Web Based Intelligent Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi

A smart home is one that serves automatic house management and remote control system to its homeowner. It is the integration of technologies applied to homes, offices and small buildings to provide security, comfort, communication and energy saving with less human interaction. Home technology is the adaptation of control systems used in many fields of industry to daily life, while home automation is the application of these technologies to individual needs and desires. One of the most important features of smart house is that it can be remotely controlled and monitored when necessary. Thanks to this system that can be controlled via Raspberry Pi-based web, users will be able to access the system from smartphone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer. In this low-cost system, it is aimed to use technology easily in daily life. Additionally, intelligent home technology can be carried out more easily and more effectively by means of building information modeling technology. Room temperature control system module, lighting system based on daylight module, a security camera system module controlled by PIR sensor, parking sensor module via ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor are realized in this project. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Nesrin Aydın Atasoy Mehmet Tankül Ferhat Atasoy

143 130
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Yakıt Pillerinin Yapısı, Çalışma Prensibi ve Çeşitleri

Dünyada teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak artan enerji talebinin yanı sıra birçok enerji kaynakları da hızlı bir şekilde azalmaktadır. Bu enerji kaynaklarında yararlanılırken küresel ısınma, iklim değişikliği ve sera etkisi gibi çevre ile ilgili problemlerin oluşmasına yardımcı olan kirletici ürünler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu enerjilerin kullanımı çevreye zarar verdikleri için, bunların yerine çevre ile dost, yenilenebilir kaynakların kullanımı araştırılmaktadır. Bu kaynaklar sırasıyla; güneş, rüzgâr, hidrolik, jeotermal, dalga, biokütle ve hidrojen enerji kaynaklarıdır. Bu çalışmada, yakıt pillerinin tanıtımı yapılarak, enerji teknolojisindeki uygulama alanları temel hatları ile sunulmuştur. Çalışmada, yakıt pili ve yapısı, çalışma prensibi, kullanılan yakıtlar, yakıt pili çeşitleri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. -In addition to rising demand for energy in the world due to technological developments, many energy sources are also rapidly declining. When utilized in these energy sources, pollutant products are emerging that help to create environmental problems such as global warming, climate change and greenhouse effect. Since the use of these energies harms the environment, instead of these they are exploring the use of environmentally friendly, renewable resources These sources are; solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal, wave, biomass and hydrogen energy sources. In this study, the fuel cells are introduced and the application areas of energy technology are presented with basic lines. In the study, information was given about the fuel cell and its structure, working principle, used fuels, fuel cell types. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


141 395
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Yarı Deplasman Tek Gövdeli Bir Motorbotun Direnç ve Efektif Güç Tahmini

The prediction of ship resistance has a vital importance for the hull form design for better performance. In the last decade, computer simulations have been widely used by the ship designers. Within the developments in computer technology, some software’s have been applied to a variety of problems in ship hydrodynamics, especially prediction of ship resistance. In particular, these factors have a direct effect on fuel consumption and economy, therefore it is necessary to design more effective and energy-efficient hull form. So, these efforts contribute to greener ships. Design of boat underwater forms directly affect the resistance characteristics. Thus, the required hull form optimizations of boats should be done during the design phase. In this study, computer-aided resistance and effective power estimation by using Compton method for a semi-displacement mono-hull motorboat designed and built for Bartın University are presented. The hull form is modeled and generated the surface structure in 3-D. Analyses are then performed on a personal computer system. By the numerical results, total resistance is calculated for the ship model. The main aim of this study is the estimation of the ship total resistance and effective power for main engine selection International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


120 516
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Yayınımlı Soğurmalı Soğutucuda Helyum Gazı Basıncının Buharlaştırıcı Sıcaklığına Etkisinin Deneysel İncelenmesi

Bu çalışmada bir yayınımlı soğurmalı soğutucuda helyum gazı basıncının buharlaştırıcı sıcaklığına etkisi deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Bunun için soğutucuya kütlesel olarak %25’lik amonyak-su çözeltisi şarj edilmiştir. Basıncın etkisini görmek amacıyla soğutucu 5bar, 10bar ve 15bar olmak üzere üç farklı helyum gazı basıncında çalıştırılmıştır. Yapılan deneyler sonucu 5bar, 10bar ve 15bar için buharlaştırıcı giriş sıcaklıkları sırasıyla 19.8°C, -4.5°C ve -6.0°C olmuştur. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Engin Özbaş Ramazan UÇAR

120 119
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Yıllık Yakıt Tüketimi Açısından Kollektör ve İki Borulu Bireysel Isıtma Sistemlerinin Enerji Verimliliğinin Karşılaştırılması

Günümüzde özellikle konutlarda kullanılan bireysel ısıtma sistemlerinin ülkemizin yakıt tüketimi üzerinde etkin bir rol oynamaktadır. Bireysel ısıtma sistemlerinde kullanılan kombi ve benzeri cihazlarda genellikle çift borulu tesisatlar ile mobil sistem (kollektörlü) tesisatlar kullanılmaktadır. Kullanılan tesisatlar da çoğunlukla yakıt olarak doğalgazın kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Ülkemizde doğalgazın yaklaşık % 80’lik kısmının yurt dışından temin edilmektedir. Bundan dolayı bireysel ısıtma sisteminde kullanılan tesisatların harcadığı yıllık yakıt tüketimleri ülkemiz ekonomisinde önemli paya sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireysel ısıtma sistemlerinde kullanılan çift borulu tesisat bağlantısının ve aynı zamanda kollektörlü tesisat bağlantısının aynı şartlar altında harcadıkları yıllık yakıt tüketimleri incelenerek yakıt miktarları arasındaki değişimlere bakılmıştır. Bununla birlikte ortaya çıkan sonuçlar ışığında yakıt tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve aynı zamanda enerjinin kullanımının daha verimli hale getirilmesi için tesisatların karşılaştırılması yapılarak avantajları ve dezavantajları ortaya konulmuştur. Today, especially in individual heating systems used in housing plays an active role on the fuel consumption of our country. Especially two-pipe and mobile system (collector) plumbing are used in individual heating systems with Wall-hung boilers and similar devices. Our country is approximately 80% of the natural gas from abroad. Therefore, annual fuel consumption of plumbing used in individual heating systems has an important role in our economy. In this study, annual fuel consumption of two-pipe and collector plumbing connections in individual heating systems and changes on fuel amount under same conditions were examined. Also, with these results factors that effects fuel consumption were presented and comparison and advantages/disadvantages of plumbing that will make energy consumption more efficient were demonstrated. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering


151 132
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English
2017 Yoğuşmalı Kazanlarda Verimliliğin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

The aim of the study is to experimentally investigate the useful efficiency at the highest heat power and at the partial heat of the condensing hot water boiler which power is 980 kW. Natural gas with a lower heating value of 8400 kcal / m3 was used in the study. During the test, the pressure of the stand is 4 bar and the ambient temperature is 15 °C. Without condensation, the measured efficiency at the highest heat power was 97.7% when the boiler water return temperature was 60 °C and the boiler water outlet temperature was 80 °C, while the measured efficiency at the partial load was 96.5% at 30% of the nominal heat input when the average water temperature was 50 °C. The CO value during the experiment was measured as 9 ppm. The useful efficiency in the partial load at the condensation was measured as 107.6% at a return temperature of 30 ° C and The CO value was measured as 1 ppm. It was observed that condensation occured intensively at the second and third transition pipes when the boiler was operated under conditions of 30 °C return water temperature. It was determined that the efficiency of the boiler increased by 11.5% when condensation occured. The study can help in the selection of boilers used in central heating systems and in the work to be done to increase efficiency in boilers. Yapılan çalışmanın amacı 980 kW gücündeki yoğuşmalı sıcak su kazanının en yüksek ısı gücünde faydalı veriminin ve kısmi yükte faydalı veriminin deneysel olarak incelenmesidir. Yapılan çalışmada alt ısıl değeri 8400 kcal/m3 olan doğalgaz kullanılmıştır. Deney esnasında standın basıncı 4 bar, ortam sıcaklığı 15 ℃ ’ dir. Yoğuşma olmadan, kazan suyu dönüş sıcaklığı 60℃ , kazan suyu çıkış sıcaklığı 80℃ olduğunda en yüksek ısı gücünde ölçülen verim %97,692 iken anma ısı girdisinin %30’undaki ortalama su sıcaklığı 50℃ olduğundaki kısmi yükte ölçülen verim %96,516’dır. Deney esnasında CO değeri ise 9 ppm olarak ölçülmüştür. Yoğuşmadaki kısmi yükteki faydalı verim, 30℃ dönüş suyu sıcaklığında %107,56, CO değeri 1 ppm olarak ölçülmüştür. Kazan 30 ℃ dönüş suyu sıcaklığındaki şartlarda çalıştığında yoğuşmanın ikinci ve üçüncü geçiş borularında yoğun bir şekilde oluştuğu görülmüştür. Yapılan çalışma neticesinde yoğuşma olduğunda kazanın veriminin %11,44 arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma, merkezi ısıtma sistemlerinde kullanılan kazanların tercihinde ve kazanlarda verimliliğin artırılmasına yönelik yapılacak çalışmalara yardımcı olabilir. International Conference Energy Systems Engineering

Mustafa Bahadır Özdemir1 Mehmet Mustafa Yatarkalkmaz Halil İbrahim Variyenli

147 191
Subject Area: Engineering Broadcast Area: International Type: Oral Paper Language: English